More than 50% of vaccinated athletes with Myocarditis

In an interview by Dr. Robert Malone with the pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan, he mentioned a study that showed that more than 50% of athletes have myocarditis. 50% of athletes in the Big 10 have had cardiac scans and have myocarditis without symptoms. 😳😲 — ✨️💫Emmy💫✨️ (@brixwe) October 31, 2022 Dr. Jean Jeudy, a…

COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth? Part 6 – Deadly vaccine lots

The following is a segment of a reprint of Dr. Russell Blaylock’s article on Surgical Neurology International. Emphasis and links are added. HOT LOTS—DEADLY BATCHES OF THE VACCINES A new study has now surfaced, the results of which are terrifying.[25] A researcher at Kingston University in London has completed an extensive analysis of the VAERS…

COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth? Part 1 – Many went wrong

The following is a segment of a reprint of Dr. Russell Blaylock’s article on Surgical Neurology International. For someone like me who has followed COVID-19 from the very beginning, I agree with him 100%. The original article is more than 9000 words long and could be challenging to read. I changed the format, and added…

Zinc for COVID-19

I have been taking zinc tablets since my days in the emergency room. In all 18 years, I never took a sick day off despite people accidentally coughing in my face when I checked their throats. It is particularly valuable during winter when other upper respiratory viruses are in season. Zinc is part of the…