No evidence that the omicron variant causes heart problems

A Tweet is circulating that says

Take the booster. If you get clots or myocarditis, or heart failure it definitely came from omicron variant, not the booster. Take the booster. It’ll be fine.

What? No, it’s just the omicron symptoms are identical to the vaccine, but the vaccine will protect you.

The Tweet also included the following about the symptoms of the omicron variant,

  • A number of heart related complications may occur, including heart failure, arrythmias, heart inflammation and blood clots.
  • Disorientation, dizziness, altered mental state and headache.

I won’t believe that. That Tweet is directed to people who refuse to get the COVID vaccines. The #COVIDIOTS says it all. 

So far, no evidence says the omicron variant can cause heart problems and blood clots.

South African physicians who are taking care of omicron patients report that they have mild disease. The National Post reports,

Symptoms linked to the omicron coronavirus variant have been mild so far, according to a Covid-19 adviser to the South Africa government and the Pretoria doctor who first sounded the alarm about the new strain.
But the World Health Organization cautioned there’s “no information” symptoms caused by omicron are different from other strains.While South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations, Barry Schoub, chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday.“The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub, adding that it was still early days and nothing was certain yet.

That Tweet is clearly a parody. I wrote this article because people who refuse COVID vaccination may re-Tweet that piece of disinformation.

If you re-Tweet that, you will be accused of spreading “conspiracy theories” and “fake news.”

The source of the original Twitter must be laughing his ass off.


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  1. Dr. Steven Gundry: mRNA Vaccination Increases the Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome
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