Wuhan Coronavirus Virus Compared to other Viruses

At first glance of the table below, the Wuhan coronavirus does not look too bad because it’s case fatality rate is the lowest at 2%. The Case Fatality Rate or CFR is the number who died divided by the number who have the disease. It reflects how deadly the condition is. The Marburg and Ebola…

You Can Become Infected by the Coronavirus Thru the Eyes!

The Coronavirus can get to the Nose thru the eyes. Have you noticed that when people cry, they get the sniffles? When we yawn, our eyes make tears, and we find our nose becomes runny. That is because of the lacrimal duct. The lacrimal duct drains the tears from the eyes to the nose. The…


The Proper Use of a Personal Protective Equipment Against Infections

The material for this post is from the Centers for Disease Control. This information can apply to anybody who wants to use the mask, goggles and gloves. For non-hospital workers, there is no need for a gown. The Proper Way to Put on the PPE or Personal Protective Equipment is Critical to Maximize its Protection….

10 Reasons Why Covid-19 is a Nightmare

  The Wuhan coronavirus pneumonia is also known as the 2019-new coronavirus or 2019-nCoV. It was late renamed Covid-19 by the WHO. The rapid spread of the 2019-nCoV prompted the Chinese government to cancel all public transportation this Chinese New Year. Doing so effectively put millions of people under quarantine. The drastic decision is unprecedented….

Walking Coronavirus Pneumonia Can Spread the Disease

A study was published in the January 24, 2020 edition of Lancet Journal, A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a concerning family cluster study. Summary of the Study About the Wuhan or 2019 New Coronavirus Person to person transmission has been ongoing since December 29, 2019. People…

UK Epidemic Specialist: 250,000 Chinese with Coronavirus in 10 days

Jonathan Read is a well-published infectious disease researcher from Lancaster University in the UK. In this report, Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions,  Read’s group came with the following conclusions:  The basic reproduction number (Rο) or how many people a person with coronavirus will infect is 3.6 to  4 Only 5.1%…

Coronavirus Infection Precautions

The Wuhan pneumonia or 2019 novel coronavirus has dramatically increased from yesterday to today. This article is mostly taken the Centers for Disease Control. The part about soap handwashing is for household use. The rest is what is done in hospitals. Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette The following measures to contain respiratory secretions are recommended for all…


Taal Volcano Eruption: When The Lava Hits the Fan

On January 12, 2020, the Taal volcano erupted resulted in an ash cloud that is carried over several kilometers downwind. Based on ongoing observations, there is still a danger of an imminent and more significant eruption This article presents the effects of substantial volcanic eruptions on health care. Geophysical Problems of Volcanic Eruptions Earthquakes and…

To Know What’s in Wuhan is to Know Why Coronavirus is a Concern

    Yesterday the Chinese government canceled all transportation going into and out of the Wuhan Province in China. Today, the government stopped all public transportation trips, theaters, internet cafes,  roads and water routes, roads, and highways to control the epidemic. This is effective in 7 Chinese cities in China, affecting 23 million people. It…


3 Reasons Why Your Blood Pressure is High and What to Do About Them

Hypertension is a common problem and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure also destroys other organs like the kidneys. And lead to kidney failure. There are many reasons why blood pressure rises. Here are the most common. 1. High insulin levels Insulin levels go up with meals, especially with sweets and…

Anti Coronavirus Herbs and Drugs

Coronavirus (CoV) is responsible for 10-30% of common colds.  The most popular CoV are the SARS virus in 2003 with 10% mortality and the Middle East  respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) with a death rate of 34.5% CoV is back on the headlines again. This time as the Wuhan coronavirus or 2019-nCoV by the Centers for…

Intermittent Fasting vs. Sulfonylureas: Heart Attack Outcomes

This article is Round 3 of Intermittent Fasting (I.F.) vs. Sulfonylureas Recap: Round 1 went to I.F. because it protects and renews the cells that produce insulin. Sulfonylureas try to squeeze insulin out of burned out insulin cells. Round 2 also went to I.F. as it resolves the hidden high insulin levels of type 2…

Intermittent Fasting and Heart Attacks

What Happens In a Heart Attack? In a heart attack, a blockage forms in the blood vessels supplying the heart.  Heart muscles die if deprived of blood supply. In the emergency room, priority is given to heart attack patients. Blood flow should be restored right away. One way is with an injectable “clot-buster” drug to…

Intermittent Fasting vs. Sulfonylureas: Effect on High insulin

High insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) in adult-onset or Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is unhealthy. The Following are the Effects of High Insulin Diabetes Hypertension Stiffening of the heart leading to heart failure. Fatty liver Obesity Insulin resistance. Metabolic syndrome High triglyceride levels Problems with the inner lining of the blood vessels. 1-10 work with one another…


Intermittent Fasting vs Diabetes Drugs: Sulfonylureas

What is Sulfonulyrea? Sulfonylureas are prescribed for Type 2 diabetes. The common ones are glyburide, glibenclamide, glipizide, and glimepiride. How Do Sulfonylureas Work? Sulfonylureas work by making the beta cells of the pancreas release more insulin. Why Do You Need Sulfonylureas for that? Isn’t Insulin Release Normal and Automatic? Usually, when the body senses a…

Intermittent Fasting Preserves the Insulin Making Cells in Diabetes

Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way of limiting the period of eating to certain times of the day. The fasting period may last from 12 to 22 hours. Sometimes longer. It is actually easy to do because sleeping time is included in the fasting. Many have lost weight and reduced the number of…


Prevent Brain Degeneration with Proper Care of Your Pineal Gland!

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are examples of neurodegenerative diseases. They are similar to coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity in that they all result from chronic inflammation. The diseases mentioned above are also associated with chronic lack of sleep. Sleep time is when the body repairs itself. It is also the period with the…

The Best Food Sources of Melatonin

Melatonin has a profound influence on health. The article, Wake-Up to the Other Benefits Melatonin, the other benefits of melatonin in preventing cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer were listed. The problem with endogenous melatonin is that melatonin secretion from the pineal gland declines as people get older, and this may explain the…

Wake-Up to the Health Benefits Melatonin.

Melatonin is known as the “sleep hormone.”  Sleep is essential for health, and many common disorders are associated with poor sleep. Could it be because lack of sleep also deprives the body of the other lesser-known benefits of melatonin? This article lists many other bioactivities of melatonin on human and animal studies. Bioactivities of Melatonin…

A Study on the Safety of Melatonin Tablets

Question: “Jess, How about exogenous melatonin daily?” That is from Dr. N.B., my good friend from college and medical school. To answer this question, I searched the National Library of Medicine on the internet. The most complete answer about melatonin safety was from research in 2000 to assess the safety of the chronic use of…