Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) leads to chronic inflammation throughout the body. The inflammation manifests as slow, progressive development of aches and pain, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Many people will blame aging and heredity for those symptoms and are unaware that it can be reversed. The article, The Metabolic Syndrome, gives a short description…
Disease Prevention Has a Deadline
Disease prevention does not last forever. We can only postpone it for so long. Eventually, blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, and stroke will happen. What was reversible before is now permanent. Disease prevention should be dealt with posthaste. The attempt to reverse or prevent obesity and metabolic syndrome should have started yesterday. Cold Calling…
Health Benefits of Weight Training
What Is Resistance Training? Resistance training is muscle contraction against an external force. Weight training using barbells, weight machines, and bodyweight exercises are all resistance exercises. For this article, we will focus on barbell training and the effect on the different organ systems. Central Nervous System – The Brain Improves cognition and strength. High‐intensity progressive…
Nitric Oxide in Medicine
Nitrates for Chest Pains Nitrates have been used in medicine decades before the biomolecular basis for its functions were known. Cardiac patients are advised to take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue (sublingual nitroglycerine) if they feel any angina. The sublingual nitroglycerin dilates the blood vessels and lessens the work of the heart to causing…
Inflammation: Dolor, Tumor, Rubor, and Calor
Dolor, rubor, tumor, and calor are Latin names for pain, redness, swelling, and warmth respectively. All of them are found in inflammation on the body surface. External Inflammation If a hot liquid spills on your skin. Inflammation follows with some four-letter expletives. A first-degree burn is when the skin surface gets red. A second-degree burn is…
Diabetes Destroy Arteries
Nitric Oxide is Essential for Normal Blood Flow Blood is ejected in spurts in every heartbeat. The vascular system requires flexible arteries that can expand to accommodate the high pressure and volume of blood. This dilatation is made possible by the rubber-like properties of the smooth muscle cells that are found in the middle layer…
I’m Only Pre-Diabetic, So I’m Still OK, Right?
Not really. Pre-diabetes occurs when the fasting blood sugar (FBS) is 100 – 125 milligrams/deciliter (mg/dl). FBS is a blood test done after at least eight hours without food. A FBS of ≥ 126 mg/dl diagnoses diabetes. Less than 100 mg/dl is considered normal. In 2015, 84.1 million, or 33.9% of the U.S. population, had pre-diabetes….
The Real Effect of Statins on Heart Disease
Statins are the common name for the class of medications that lower cholesterol. They have been recommended to lower LDL to reduce the risk of heart attacks. However, after several years of usage, it has been shown that the positive effect of statins is not secondary to the lowering of the “bad” cholesterol, LDL but…
LDL: “Bad Cholesterol” is Not All Bad.
LDL, the so-called “Bad Cholesterol” is not really cholesterol. LDL stands for Low-Density Lipoprotein. Role of Lipoproteins Whenever we eat fat or oil in our meal, they have to be transported with the blood. But blood is similar to water, and we know that water and oil do not mix. To be transported, the fat…
Gluconeogenesis: The Sugar Factory Inside
Carbohydrates, Glucose, and Glycogen In all cultures in the world, there is always a source of starch for every meal. It may be rice, bread, pasta, noodles or tubers like potatoes, and cassava. It is commonly believed that you have to have starch as a source of energy. That is true. All of the above…
How Diabetes Destroys the Body
Part 1: Deranged Apoptosis of the Endothelium All good things come to pass. Like the cells in our body. Cells that are old and lose their functions die. Apoptosis is programmed cell death. It is built into the genes. In ancient Greek, apoptosis means “falling off.” A type of white blood cell called the macrophage…
Erectile Dysfunction is a Sign of Coronary Artery Disease
Erectile Dysfunction as a sign of Heart Disease
Merry Christmas to All!
May the real meaning of the season ring true to all of our hearts. Merry Christmas! © 2019 Asclepiades Medicine, LLC All Rights Reserved does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment
A Case of Hypertension Controlled by Intermittent Fasting
M.T. is a 46-year-old female who used to have obesity and hypertension I saw M.T. 7 months ago during a family get together. I was aware of her long-standing weight problem. She told me that she has been trying very hard to get the weight off. We talked about the benefits and how to do…
If You Know Anybody Male who is 55 and Older, Read This!
The pyramid graphs below show the age and sex distribution in the U.S. and the Philippines. Notice that from 0 to 54 years old, the males always outnumber the females from both countries. However, at 55 years and above, the women begin and continue to outnumber the men. If You Know Anybody Male Who Is 55…
Hybrid Engines are Cool! Do You Know that You Have One?
Our body can also burn fat for fuel.
What Starts Atherosclerosis?
The arteries that supply blood all over the body has an inside lining called the endothelium. The endothelium has anti-atherogenic properties. Anti-atherogenic is the ability to prevent atherosclerosis. If everybody has protection against atherosclerosis, why is it that atherosclerosis is so preponderant that the number one and two cause of deaths in the whole world are…
Getting Ready to Celebrate the Holidays
How to avoid gaining extra pounds during the holidays.
Fasting: Preparing The Mind.
Start with Why? Why are you fasting? You have to know the answer. You have to write it down. Fasting: Preparing The Mind. Is it to make your abdomen smaller? Is it to get rid of all those bad stuff inside you making you insulin resistant? Is it to control your blood sugar and take…
The Science of Fasting
How does Fasting Dissolve Fat Weight maintenance is primarily from insulin. Once insulin stands up, the rest of the hormones kneel. Insulin comes from the pancreas. Insulin levels in the blood go up depending on what we eat. It goes up the most after we eat carbohydrates and protein. Insulin goes up slightly with…