The kettlebell swing improves many pelvic conditions

This article includes two case reports from a male and female and recounts the health improvements in their pelvic area after doing kettlebell exercises. Specifically, the article deals with positive changes regarding stress incontinence, vaginal dryness, hemorrhoids, and erectile dysfunction. Next, I explain how kettlebell swings improved their health. A kettlebell (KB) looks like a…

Coffee induces Autophagy

This article presents two studies. The first is an animal study that shows that coffee increases the proteins associated with autophagy. The second concludes that coffee consumption correlates with skeletal muscle mass in older people. Autophagy is a normal biological process that cleans up old, dysfunctional, diseased, and precancerous cells. Intermittent fasting and physical exercise…

Autophagy can prevent adhesions: the most common cause of bowel obstruction

Bowel obstruction is when the intestinal contents cannot pass thru a segment of the intestines. It is a surgical emergency. In bowel obstruction, the air and intestinal contents proximal to the obstruction accumulate and distend the intestines. Symptoms include obstipation, the absence of bowel movement, abdominal bloating, pain and nausea, and vomiting. Gross alert: In…

Intermittent fasting for Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome: Autophagy

Post-COVID vaccine syndrome is a constellation of adverse events after the COVID-19 vaccination. These adverse events commonly include myocarditis, strokes, and sudden deaths. The underlying causes are clot formation, autoimmunity, and exuberant inflammation due to the toxic spike protein made by the body after getting the mRNA shots (Pfizer and Moderna).  In this article, I…

Intermittent Fasting Preserves the Insulin Making Cells in Diabetes

Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way of limiting the period of eating to certain times of the day. The fasting period may last from 12 to 22 hours. Sometimes longer. It is actually easy to do because sleeping time is included in the fasting. Many have lost weight and reduced the number of…


Autophagy – How to Recycle Yourself

Let’s say you live in an old house that has seen better days. The floors are getting rickety, the roof is leaking, and the walls, countertops, and cabinets are old-fashioned and tired-looking. You hired a handyman to do the remodeling. But instead of buying new lumber and supplies for the project, he cleaned up and…