Could self-assembling DNA explain the crystal-like structures in blood clots after COVID shots?

In this article, I put together several sources from Mike Adams, Dr. Pablo Campras, and several advancements in nanotechnology. Yesterday, Mike Adams published in Natural News several photos of blood clots from adults who “suddenly died” following covid vaccinations.” The samples were stained using standard gram stain techniques, washed with ethyl alcohol, and prepared on…

Unambiguous signals for graphene in COVID-19 shots

How can a microscopic, inorganic substance be identified? Before, they are ground up and examined by chemical analysis. Now, they use a technique called RAMAN infrared spectroscopy. It has been around since 1928 and is named after Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, who won a Nobel Prize in PHysics in 1930 for his discovery. RAMAN spectroscopy focuses…

The most read articles for 2021

What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and why should you care Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) results in severe disease that may result from previous vaccinations or infections with coronavirus. Early treatment of variants, including the Omicron, prevents ADE from happening. The FDA fully approved the Comirnaty and not the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine How to get Ivermectin Lot Numbers of…

A Form of Graphene can Destroy SARS-CoV-2

Many became aware of graphene when a report from the University of Almeira in Spain in July 2021 showed that a Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine contained 99% graphene. So far, there are no reports to validate that finding. That news created a negative image of graphene. However, graphene is a wonder material that has plenty of…

Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots

On September 21, 2021, German pathologists Professor Arne Burkhardt, Professor Walter Lang, and Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg, held a whole day press conference. The topics were “Cause of Death after Covid-19 Vaccination” and “Undeclared Components of Covid-19 Vaccines.” In it, they presented their autopsy findings on ten people who died after getting vaccinated for COVID-19. That…