HDL Raising Drugs Do Not Improve Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality

This article presents the studies that show that HDL-increasing drugs do not improve cardiovascular disease survival. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is commonly known as “good cholesterol.” HDL removes cholesterol from atherosclerotic plaques from the arteries (cholesterol efflux) and returns them to the liver for elimination (reverse cholesterol transport). The effects of high levels of HDL result…

The Many Wonders of HDL

HDL has other functions other than vascular protection. This article presents the other functions of HDL. The salient parts are highlighted in the review article of Kyung-Hyun Cho. After reading this, you will know more about HDL than many others. The HDL quality concerns the morphology of the HDL, such as particle size, shape, and…

How Effective are Drugs that Increase HDL?

HDL is well known as good cholesterol, and that LDL is the bad cholesterol. Therefore, to lessen the chance of a heart attack, the HDL should increase, and the LDL should decrease. The easy way to increase the HDL is to take medicines like nicotinic acid (a.k.a. niacin) and fibrates. Both medications can increase the…