Pistachios improve insulin resistance and inflammatory markers

This article presents a study showing that eating pistachios improves glucose and inflammatory markers among prediabetics. Many do not know that they have prediabetes. Prediabetes is when the fasting blood sugar is 100 to 125 mg/dl or if the after-meal blood sugar is more than 140 mg/dl. Like diabetes, prediabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular…

Inflammatory molecules found in Long COVID patients

A new study showed several inflammatory markers in the blood of patients with Long COVID. The inflammation leads to micro clots that are difficult to dissolve naturally. This leads to the extensive formation of clots. I think this will be the exact mechanism in people who develop blood clots after mRNA COVID vaccination since the…

Platelet Changes Causes Blood Clots in COVID-19

Patients with severe COVID-19 are noted to have a higher tendency to form blood clots inside the blood vessels. These blood clots can block the flow of blood and lead to organ dysfunction. The blood clots can form in both arteries and veins. A study from Ireland available as a preprint from Medrxiv described the…