This article explores a groundbreaking Yale School of Medicine study identifying distinct immune signatures in individuals with Post-Vaccine Syndrome (PVS).
Tag: post vaccine syndrome
Bromelain for Long COVID and Post Vaccine Syndrome
This article discusses bromelain’s potential uses, particularly for those with Long Covid and Post-Vaccine syndrome. Bromelain Bromelain is used to reduce nasal congestion, as a pain killer, and digestive issues. It comes from the stem of the pineapple plant. It is inexpensive to manufacture since it comes from a waste by-product. Bromelain can be absorbed…
Intermittent fasting results in new and stress-resistant the blood cells
This article continues on the topic of intermittent fasting for post-vaccine syndrome. Previously I covered the concept of autophagy to remove the spike proteins. Intermittent fasting for Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome: Autophagy. Viruses degrade the immune system The biological virus is similar to a computer virus. As the computer virus corrupts the instructions in the…