The Delta variant is a danger to the more than 50 years old

The Delta variant has higher mortality in the unvaccinated >50 years old

A recent article, Should we be afraid of the delta variant? Showed that the delta variant is more contagious but less deadly. However, a new report from Public Health England shows that it can be fatal to the more than 50 years old, both unvaccinated and unvaccinated.

The report, SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England from June 25, 2021, showed that the delta variants infect the vaccinated more than the unvaccinated.

The Delta Variant Is A Danger To The More Than 50 Years Old


The Delta Variant Is A Danger To The More Than 50 Years Old

The two tables above show all the people infected with the delta variant in England from February 1, 2021, to June 21, 2021.

What the table says

  1. There are fewer delta confirmed cases from the  <50 years old who are vaccinated.
  2. The percentage of deaths in the vaccinated group is smaller (0.01%) compared to the unvaccinated (0.07%).
  3. Among the >50 years old, The delta cases in the vaccinated is much greater than the unvaccinated by a factor of 7.5 (7.411 v 976).
  4. For deaths among the >50 years old, there is a higher percentage of deaths among the unvaccinated (3.9%) compared to the unvaccinated (0.9%).

Take Away Message

  • Even if the delta variant has low mortality overall, we should not overlook that it is still a danger to the >50-year-old age group.
  • Precautions should be made when going into crowded places, especially with symptomatic people.
  • Maintain an optimum immune system with adequate levels of Vitamin C, get some sunshine and Vitamin D, and Zinc.
  • Read: The I-MASK+ for the Prophylaxis and Early Treatment Protocol of COVID-19 and talk to your physician if you were exposed to COVID-19.

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