The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance updated its protocols. I-PREVENT: COVID Protection Protocol is the new name for the COVID-19 Prevention Protocol. The I-PREVENT protocol must be part of an overall strategy that includes common-sense public health actions such as good hand hygiene, avoiding crowded public gatherings, adequate ventilation, and other measures. The following protocol can be used for both chronic and post-exposure prevention.

About this Protocol

The information in this document is our recommended approach to COVID-19 based on the best (and most recent) literature. It is provided as guidance to healthcare providers worldwide on the early treatment of COVID-19.

Patients should always consult with their provider before starting any medical treatment. New medications may be added and/or changes made to doses of existing medications as further evidence emerges. Please check our website at to be sure you are using the latest version of this protocol.

For more information on nutritional therapeutics and how they can help with COVID-19, visit For additional information on COVID prevention, the rationale behind these
medications, and other optional treatments, see ‘A Guide to the Prevention of COVID-19’.

Early treatment is critical and the most crucial factor in managing this disease.

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The FLCCC Chronic Prevention Protocol

Chronic prevention is especially recommended for healthcare workers, those over 60 years old with comorbidities, people who are morbidly obese, and residents of long-term care facilities.


Ivermectin: 0.2 mg/kg – start treatment with one dose, take the second dose 48 hours later, then one dose every seven days (weekly). Those at high risk of contracting COVID-19 can consider dosing twice a week. See Table 1 below for help with calculating the correct dose. Due to a possible interaction between Quercetin and Ivermectin, these drugs should be staggered throughout the day. For COVID treatment, Ivermectin is best taken with or following a meal for greater absorption.


Zinc: 30-40 mg daily. Zinc supplements come in various forms (e.,g., zinc sulfate, zinc citrate, and zinc gluconate).


Melatonin: Begin with 1 mg and increase as tolerated to 6 mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness).
Slow- or extended-release formulations are preferred. (Dr. Santiano’s comment: melatonin at lower doses can be more effective than the higher doses. )


Mouthwash: three times a day. Gargle three times a day (do not swallow) with an antiseptic-antimicrobial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride (e.g., Scope™, Act™, Crest™), or povidone-iodine.

Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation: once a day. Inhaled steam supplemented with antimicrobial essential oils (e.g., Vicks VapoRub™ inhalations) has been demonstrated to have virucidal activity. Antimicrobial essential oils include lavender, thyme, peppermint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and sage.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3: dosing varies (see tables below). Vitamin D supplementation is likely a highly effective and cheap intervention to lessen the impact of this disease, particularly in vulnerable populations (i.e., the elderly, obese, people of color, and those living in northern latitudes). See Table 2 below for dosing.


Curcumin (turmeric): 500 mg twice a day.
Curcumin has low solubility in water and is poorly absorbed by the body; consequently, it is traditionally taken with full-fat and black pepper, enhancing its absorption.

Nigella Sativa

Nigella sativa (black cumin): 80 mg/kg daily and Honey 1 g/kg daily.
Note: thymoquinone (the active ingredient of Nigella sativa) decreases the absorption of cyclosporine and
phenytoin. Patients taking these drugs should therefore avoid taking Nigella sativa.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C: 500-1000 mg twice a day.


Quercetin (or a mixed flavonoid supplement): 250-500 mg daily.
Due to a possible interaction between Quercetin and Ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., they should be staggered at different times of day). As supplemental Quercetin has poor solubility and low oral absorption, lecithin-based and nanoparticle formulations are preferred.


Low levels of Bifidobacterium may predispose a person to COVID-19 and increase disease severity. Likewise, COVID-19 depletes the microbiome of Bifidobacterium, which may then increase the severity and duration of symptoms. Kefir (a fermented milk drink) is high in Bifidobacterium and other probiotics that have demonstrated health benefits. Suggested probiotic supplements include Megasporebiotic (Microbiome labs), TrueBifidoPro (US Enzymes), and yourgutplus+.

Post Exposure Prevention

Follow post-exposure prevention if a household member is COVID-positive or if you have had prolonged exposure to COVID but have not developed symptoms. At the onset of any flu-like symptoms, please refer to the I-CARE Early Treatment Protocol. If symptoms do not develop, resume chronic prevention after one week.

  1. Ivermectin: 0.4 mg/kg immediately, then repeat the second dose in 48 hours. See Table 1 for help calculating the dose.
  2. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): 200 mg twice a day for five days.
  3. Zinc: 75-100 mg daily.
  4. Melatonin: 6 mg daily, at bedtime.
  5. Mouthwash: three times a day.
  6. Nasal spray with 1% povidone-iodine: two to three times a day. (See below how to make 1% from a 10% solution).
  7. Sprays such as Immune Mist™, CoFix™, or IoNovo™ administered 2-3 times per day are recommended in postexposure prevention and the early phase of COVID-19 infection. Due to the low systemic absorption level, the povidone-iodine nasal spray should not be used for more than 5-7 days in pregnant women. IoNovo™ contains iodine in an amount equivalent to the daily dietary requirement and hence is safe to ingest.
  8. Curcumin (turmeric): 500 mg twice a day for one week.
  9. Nigella sativa: 80 mg/kg daily for one week.
  10. Vitamin C: 1000 mg twice daily for one week.
  11. Quercetin: 500 mg twice daily for one week.
  12. Probiotics.
  13. B complex vitamins.

• Pour 1 ½ tablespoons (25 ml) of 10% povidone-iodine solution into a 250 ml nasal irrigation bottle.
• Fill bottle to top with distilled, sterile, or previously boiled water.
• To use: tilt head back, apply 4-5 drops to each nostril. Keep head tilted for a few minutes, then let drain.

Table 1. How to calculate ivermectin dose for chronic prevention

Ivermectin is available in different strengths (e.g., 3, 6, or 12 mg) and forms (e.g., tablets,
drops). Tablets can be halved for more accurate dosing. The doses below are calculated for the upper
end of the weight ranges listed.

The I-Prevent Covid Protection Protocol
Ivermectin Dosing Chart From Flccc

Table 2 below shows how to replenish Vitamin D levels based on baseline levels

The I-Prevent Covid Protection Protocol
Source: Flccc

# Example of daily or weekly dose ranges for adults with specific body types (based on body weight or BMI). Appropriate dose reductions are necessary for children. A suitable daily or weekly maintenance dose should start after completing the schedule.

## For those with chronic co-morbid conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, COPD, CKD, depression, and osteoporosis, and to reduce all-cause mortality, higher doses of Vitamin D should be taken, as recommended for persons with obesity (BMI, 30-39). Those with multiple sclerosis, cancer, migraine headaches, metabolic syndrome, and those routinely taking medications, such as anti-epileptic and antiretroviral agents that increase catabolism of Vitamin D, should consider taking doses recommended for those with morbid obesity (BMI ≥40).

** To convert ng/mL to nmol/L, multiply by 2.5.

$ Doses can be taken as single cumulative doses or spread out through the week.

Table 3. How to calculate Vitamin D dose when the baseline is not available

The I-Prevent Covid Protection Protocol
Source: Flccc

A printable pdf for the I-Prevent: COVID Protection Protocol is available HERE.

About Ivermectin

Ivermectin is a well-known, FDA-approved drug that has been used worldwide for over four decades. One of the safest drugs known, it is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given over 3.7 billion times, and won the Nobel Prize for its global and historical impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world.

To review the totality of supporting evidence for Ivermectin in COVID-19, visit Ivermectin is a remarkably safe drug with minimal adverse reactions (almost all minor). However, its
safety in pregnancy has not been definitively established. Talk to your doctor about use in pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester.

Potential drug-drug interactions should be reviewed before prescribing Ivermectin (see ‘A Guide to Early Treatment of COVID-19’ for more information). The evidence supporting the use of Ivermectin for the prophylaxis of COVID-19 is provided by the comprehensive review by Kory et al.


The I-PREVENT: COVID Protection Protocol is meant solely for educational purposes regarding potentially beneficial treatment approaches for COVID-19. Never disregard professional medical advice because of something you have read on our website and releases. This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding any patient.

Many factors determine treatment for an individual patient and thus should rely on the judgment of your physician or qualified healthcare provider. Always seek their advice with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition or health.

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The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol


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Below are articles about the protocols and their components.  

  1. The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol
  2. The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol
  3. The I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol
  4. COVID-19 Symptoms in the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated
  5. What should the household do if someone has an Early COVID-19?
  6. The MATH+ Protocol Results in Greater Survival in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
  7. The I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome
  8. Aspirin for the early treatment of COVID-19
  9. Nigella Sativa or Black Seed, Black Cumin for COVID-19
  10. The anti-COVID-19 properties of Quercetin
  11. Echinacea for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Respiratory Infections and COVID-19
  12. Curcumin for the Early Treatment of COVID-19
  13. What makes Ivermectin a kick-ass antiviral?
  14. The anti-COVID-19 properties of Quercetin
  15. Melatonin’s Multiple Actions Against COVID-19
  16. Nasal Povidone-Iodine Works Great for the Prevention and Early Treatment of COVID-19!
  17. Vitamin C and COVID-19
  18. Zinc Deficiency Impairs the Immune System
  19. Adequate Vitamin D Prevents Severe COVID-19

Source: FLCCC I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol

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