The Spike Proteins Have the Same Effect in COVID-19 and the Jabs

I received this question from GB, a reader.

Dr. Santiano – thank you for your very helpful piece on the Bristol UK study about the impact of spike proteins on the heart. While you’ve explained clearly how that can happen from vaccination, why is this impact not so apparent from the coronavirus itself?

If the spike protein behaves similarly whether from virus or vaccination, wouldn’t there be hundreds of thousands of these cardiac issues independent of vaccination? Or is it because, as a respiratory virus, it does not entire the bloodstream? Pardon my ignorance, and thank you!

That’s an insightful question, and I don’t think you are ignorant, GB. I’m sure many people are asking the same. Here are the answers.

Q: While you’ve explained clearly how that can happen from vaccination, why is this impact (spike proteins effects on the heart) not so apparent from the coronavirus?

Severe COVID-19 also causes heart problems caused by spike proteins. The heart problems associated are myocardial injury, myocarditis, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, dysrhythmias, and venous thromboembolic events. [1] All of them can arise from coronary constriction and blood clots.

Deaths from COVID are frequent, but the mass media does not detail whether someone died from cardiac complications. Deaths are usually from a multi-system organ failure, which already includes cardiac complications.

Why are cardiac complications only seen in severe COVID?

That’s because the complications in severe COVID-19 are from the spike proteins and a dysregulated immune response resulting from hyperactivation.

The majority of people will recover from COVID-19 without treatment because of their natural immunity. However, some people with comorbidities (obesity, hypertension, and diabetes), the immune-compromised, and the elderly may not mount an adequate immune response to get rid of the virus.

If those people are left untreated, the viruses will reproduce uncontrollably. One study estimated that each infected person carries one to one hundred billion (1,000,000,000 – 100,000,000,000) viruses at peak infection.[2]

The immune response has to handle that volume of SARS-CoV-2, but in the process, it can overreact. The other is viruses do as viruses do.

If someone has a computer virus, we know it reprograms the computer, which is the same as a biological virus. The instructions in their protein sequences alter the “commands” within the cells of the immune sytem resulting in dysregulation or hyperactivation.

This manifests as a cytokine storm that affects all organs, including Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS, cardiac, renal, neurologic complications, and blood clot formations. They are the most common causes of death which are now almost six million according to

The Spike Proteins Have the Same Effect in COVID-19 and the Jabs
Source. worldometer

Wouldn’t it make sense to make a vaccine for it to prevent deaths?

Yes, it does. However, the vaccine should be safe and effective, undergo years of clinical trials, and have transparent data available to the public, not hidden for 75 years. It’s a good thing a federal judge decreased that to eight months.

All vaccines, especially for coronaviruses, should undergo long clinical trials because the previous attempts to make vaccines for the SARS and MERS coronaviruses have resulted in the deaths of laboratory animals from infection enhancement or antibody-dependent enhancement from the use of the spike protein. [A]

SARS-CoV-2 has several proteins, including the spike, membrane, envelope, nucleocapsid, and accessory proteins like the open-reading frames and non-structural proteins. The spike protein causes the majority of the disease. 

Why did they use the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein for the vaccine?

Viruses must reproduce inside their host’s cells, which means they must enter the cells first. The SARS-CoV-2 uses its spikes to attach to an ACE2 receptor in the nose and throat.

The shots aim to make an immune response to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 from binding to the ACE2. This is done by forming neutralizing antibodies that will block the attachment of the spike protein to the ACE2.

The body develops immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 by infection or immunization exposure to the spike protein.

Current mRNA shots (Pfizer, Moderna) and vector-based vaccines (AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson) carry the messenger RNA, which are instructions for making spike proteins.

The idea is that the body will make the spike protein that will stay attached to the skeletal muscle cells of the shoulder. The immune cells will then recognize that and make the immune response, and the spike protein will disappear. That’s the ideal situation, but that didn’t happen.

Spike proteins in the Bloodstream and Organs

The problem is that the spike proteins get released into the bloodstream and go all over the body.[B] The spike protein is enough to cause problems.[C],[D],[E],[F]

The systemic spread of the spike was known as far back as May 2021 when Dr. Byram Bridle blew the whistle. Dr. Bridle obtained the Biodistribution Study from Japan, showing that the lipid nanoparticles that carry the mRNA are found all over the mice!

The following screenshots from the Biodistribution Study show lipid concentrations in adipose tissue (fat), adrenal glands, bone marrow, brain heart, intestines, liver, lymph nodes, thyroid, whole blood, and plasma. The lipids are from the lipid nanoparticle that carries the mRNA.

The Spike Proteins Have the Same Effect in COVID-19 and the Jabs
Source: Pandemictimeline
The Spike Proteins Have the Same Effect in COVID-19 and the Jabs
Source: Pandemictimeline

Spike protein found systemically

The spike proteins elicit an inflammatory response and affect the organs wherever they go. This was demonstrated in autopsy studies of people who died after getting the COVID shots.

On September 21, 2021, German pathologists Professor Arne Burkhardt and Professor Walter Lang held a whole-day press conference. The topics were “Cause of Death after Covid-19 Vaccination” and “Undeclared Components of Covid-19 Vaccines.”

Their presentation showed that inflammation, seen as lymphocyte infiltration, was found in several organs, including the heart. Their PowerPoint presentation, including the slides, can be seen here.

An autopsy of a vaccinated patient showed SARS-CoV-2 RNA in many organs. Concerning autopsy findings on a patient who had a COVID shot

Spike protein in Human DNA

More than that, the human body can integrate the messenger RNA in the shots and possibly in infection to make them a permanent part of their DNA by at least two mechanisms. [G], [H]

Spike protein can be continuously made in the body, either from an infection or vaccination.

A study by Patterson and others demonstrated the presence of spike proteins in monocytes for as long as 15 months [3], which may explain not just the complications that may appear months after but also Long COVID-19.

The immune system can get confused and attack the spike proteins in several organs, and autoimmune diseases can also result. [I],[J],[K].[L],[M]

What’s the difference between getting the spike protein from an infection or the shot?

There is a big difference. Once someone gets the shot, it is inside. Not all have complications, but we don’t know if adverse reactions like cancer and immune deficiency from impaired DNA repair can happen in the future. [N]

If someone gets the dominant Omicron variant, they will have mild disease.[O] and have immunity to other variants.[P]

You can get treated for an infection if you or your doctor knows what to do.

Early Treatment

That is why early treatment is essential, and not treating at-risk people while they still have mild symptoms is wrong. It’s either from ignorance if the doctor does not know the science (bad) or negligence if they know the treatment but don’t use it (worse). Negligence is malpractice.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance has a nice figure. In it, viral replication happens first, and then the immune dysregulation occurs after. The drugs below each phase are the ones that should be used for that period, and timing is essential.

Some antiviral therapy should be used early to prevent viral replication. The good news is that most of them are over-the-counter nutritional supplements. The FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Delta Variant

The Spike Proteins Have the Same Effect in COVID-19 and the Jabs
Source: FLCCC

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 16 Ways to Avoid COVID-19Prevention and Early Treatment of COVID-19 and the Treatment of the Long COVID Syndrome. 

I hope I answered your question, GB.

Don’t Get Sick!

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  1. Long B, Brady WJ, Koyfman A, Gottlieb M. Cardiovascular complications in COVID-19Am J Emerg Med. 2020;38(7):1504-1507. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2020.04.048
  2. Sender R, Bar-On YM, Gleizer S, et al. The total number and mass of SARS-CoV-2 virions. Preprint. medRxiv. 2021;2020.11.16.20232009. Published 2021 April 5. doi:10.1101/2020.11.16.20232009

Related Articles for further reading: The Shocking Truth About Spike Proteins, Sugar And Inflammation

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