On September 21, 2021, German pathologists Professor Arne Burkhardt, Professor Walter Lang, and Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg, held a whole day press conference. The topics were “Cause of Death after Covid-19 Vaccination” and “Undeclared Components of Covid-19 Vaccines.”
In it, they presented their autopsy findings on ten people who died after getting vaccinated for COVID-19. That will be for a future article.
This article will talk about the microscopic particles seen in the Pfizer Comirnaty, Pfizer Biontech, Moderna, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines that have never been seen in other vaccines.
I believe the report is valid. Pathologists look at microscopes all day. They can tell what an artifact is and what belongs to a specimen.
The part of the video with the Undeclared Components of the Vaccines starts at 1:27:00 in this video. The contaminants were not identified. The possibilities are graphene, graphene oxide, minerals, aluminum, or stainless steel.
These objects have been identified in Spain and Japan. Moderna confirmed that the contaminants are stainless steel.
A brief description will be above the photo. I took all photos were taken from the German pathology conference.
The image below is from a Janssen vaccine

Also, from Janssen. Note the sharp corners.

The photo below is a chain-like material from an Astra-Zeneca Vaccine at 40-times magnification.

The photo below is the same image as above at 1,000 times magnification.

The photo below is a string-like object.

The diamond shape object below is a still shot from a video.

Foreign bodies inside the blood vessels initiate blood clots.
The inner lining of the blood vessels called the endothelium needs to be perfectly smooth. Any roughness like an abrasion will attract platelets. The platelets stick together and form a clot.
In daily life, clots are small and far between. Sheer stress from hypertension is a common cause.
Arteries supply blood to organs. Clots inside the arteries block the blood and oxygen supply leading to loss of function or tissue death. It is a medical emergency.
Now imagine a tiny sharp object that does not dissolve that is tumbling along the arteries. What if the foreign bodies are in a string like in one of the photos above? Imagine them in the hundreds or thousands spreading all over the circulation.
On October 3, 2021, Coolzero17 (aDonna58556659) posted to her Twitter account the image below. She wrote, “Just pulled this from the lung of a fully vaccinated, Covid +, intubated patient. Still think those jabs are harmless?”

The Sons of Liberty Media contacted the nurse, and they reported (emphasis added).
The nurse was contacted by SonsOfLibertyMedia.com and informed us that she is a registered nurse. What you see in the image above is what came out of the patient’s lungs, “a string of attached clots,” the nurse informed us.
She also added that the patient was fully “vaxxed” and admitted with COVID+.
There are other complications from the foreign bodies in the vaccines. That will be in the follow-up article.
One of the lawyers in the conference said, if there is a product in the market that is contaminated, it is usually recalled.
Instead, booster shots are recommended! Unbelievable!
How can the vaccine reach the arteries if it is injected into the muscle?
COVID-vaccines are injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. The deltoid muscle has plenty of blood supply. [5]
Accidental vaccine injection into a blood vessel can quickly introduce any sharp microscopic particles into the systemic circulatory system.[6]
Deaths from Clots
Clots can quickly form and cause death. Children’s Health Defender reported that,
Of the 9,048 deaths reported as of July 2, 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 24 hours and 37% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
The latest update of the National Vaccine Information Center based on the 10/15/2021 release of the VAERS data showed 2,099 deaths within 24 hours of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
How do you avoid intravascular injection?
If you still like to get the shot for any reason, request the health care provider to pull the plunger before pushing the vaccine into the muscle. Pulling the plunger can quickly tell if the tip of the needle hit a blood vessel as blood will show up in the syringe.
The take-away message is from Professor Arne Burkhardt. One of the pathologists at the conference.
If you want to be vaccinated, you also have to bear the consequences. Our task is to inform you about the risks and side effects.
Many thanks to Reinhard M for donating. Reinhard has the honor of being the first donor on this website in three years of existence.
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Don’t Get Sick!
- Why are people dying after getting the Covid vaccine? Pathologists now have answers.
- Pathologie-Konferenz Todesursache nach COVID-19-Impfung
- German Pathology Conference: Powerpoint Presentation
- “The lymphocytes run amok” – pathologists investigate deaths after COVID-19 vaccination
- Ng JY. Inadvertent subcutaneous injection of COVID-19 vaccine. Postgrad Med J. 2021;97(1148):400. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-139870
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