What happens to the heart after one year of COVID jab myocarditis?

This article discusses a new study that followed up 40 teenagers who developed myocarditis after receiving COVID jabs.[1]

The American Heart Association journal Circulation published the research Cardiovascular Assessment up to One Year After COVID-19 Vaccine–Associated Myocarditis in July 2023.

The authors are pediatricians and radiologists from the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, The University of Hong Kong, and Princess Margaret Hospital of Hong Kong.

Study Design and Method

Forty patients who developed myocarditis after COVID-19 jabs were studied.

Thirty-three are male, with an average age of 15.1 (12.7–17.9). They were followed from 5.6–12.3 months.


  • Interestingly, twenty-nine (73%) patients have no symptoms.
  • Seven (18%) reported noncardiac chest pain
  • Three (8%) had palpitations
  • One (3%) complained of fatigue during follow-up.
  • None have cardiac arrhythmias, angina, or heart failure

ECG results

The ECG results were abnormal, with ST-segment or T-wave abnormalities in 31 (78%) patients at presentation and normalized in all at the latest follow-up.

Changes in the ST segments and T wave abnormalities in the EKG could be signs of heart muscle abnormality or electrical conduction problems.


An echocardiogram, or ECHO, is an ultrasound of the heart and provides a quick, real-time assessment of the movement of the heart muscle and how well it can pump blood to the whole body or Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF).

An injured heart muscle will be less vigorous in contraction and have a lower LVEF. The Children’s Heart Institute defines a normal ejection fraction above 55%.[2]

The study showed normal LVEF in all patients upon initial presentation to their doctors for myocarditis.

However, on their latest follow-up, not all are normal. 

  1. Two (5%) had borderline LVEF of 51.1% and 53.6%
  2. Abnormal deformations of the right ventricle of the heart were seen in most subjects. The significance of 1 and 2 will be presented below.
  3. 38 (95%) patients had normal LVEF

Significance: If a teenager had myocarditis and the ECHO was “normal” at presentation, he may be cleared to participate in physical activities or sports.

The limitation of the ECHO is that it cannot say if the heart has myocarditis. For that, a heart muscle biopsy is the gold standard.

But poking a needle into a beating heart is risky. A less dangerous way to know if myocarditis is present is a Cardiac MRI.

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR)

CMR is the standard test to evaluate myocarditis. It is not as scary as having a sharp needle stabbing your chest and going to your heart. The hardest part is not to move while lying down while the noisy MRI is working.

Using CMR, areas of myocarditis can be located and measured non-invasively.

Thirty-nine patients out of 40 patients had CMR at presentation.

  • Twenty-six of them had abnormal findings.
  • They include features of myocarditis in 22 or 56% of the 40.
  • As evidenced by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), scarring is present in 49%.
  • Reduced pumping action or LVEF was seen in 7 or 18% of those with myocarditis.

Recall that the ECHO picked up only 5% with borderline LVEF, while the MRI identified 56%—a big difference!

Between ECHO and CMR, the latter is considered more sensitive and specific for myocarditis. However, not all who have myocarditis will get a cardiac MRI due to cost.

Follow-up CMR

Follow-up CMR was performed in 26 patients with initial abnormal CMR findings. It revealed:

  • Mild residual LGE or scarring in 15/26 (58%) or 37.5% of all who had myocarditis (15/40 total subjects). That’s more than one-third!
  • Borderline LVEF in 2 (8%),
  • Normal findings in 11 (42%) patients

One patient with myocarditis did not have an initial CMR but was able to have a follow-up CMR that showed mild LGE or scarring and a normal LVEF.

So, 16 out of 40 patients, or 40%, had scarring in their hearts after the COVID-19 jab-induced myocarditis!

So what’s the big deal? It’s only a tiny scar, right?

A scarred heart is serious!

In their discussion, the authors said,

Global systolic ventricular function appears to be preserved.

However, impairment of Left Ventricular and Right Ventricular myocardial deformation and persistence of LGE in a significant subset of patients with up to one year of followup was observed.

Growing evidence suggests worse prognosis in the presence of altered myocardial deformation and LGE in patients with myocarditis.

They cited the work of Eichhorn and colleagues [3], who said

Presence of LGE scarring) portends increased risk of all-cause mortality, cardiac death, and Sudden Cardiac Death.

Source: Multiparametric cardiovascular magnetic resonance approach in diagnosing, monitoring, and prognostication of myocarditis. Table 2

LGE scarring increasing all-cause mortality means that whatever happens to a person, whether it be an infection, heart attack, stroke, cancer, accident, or anything else if they have a scar in their heart, the chances of them dying are higher.

By how much? Eichhorn et al. referenced Grun et al. [4], who said arrhythmias, cardiac failure, and sudden death can all happen in those with myocarditis scars.

But wait, there’s more.

LGE has been shown to be the strongest independent predictor of outcome with a Hazard Ratio of 8.4 for all-cause mortality and 12.8 for cardiac mortality. [4]

A hazard ratio of 8.4 means 8.4 times likelier for an event to happen.

Therefore: Those with heart scarring are 8.4 times more likely to die from any cause and 12.8 times higher to die of cardiac death.

What happens to the heart after one year of COVID jab myocarditis?

What causes the deaths?

When tests like the ECG, ECHO, or cardiac MRI are done, the patients sit or lie down. They are rested. Normal heart rate is from 60 to 100 per minute.

In times of illness, or physical activity, there is an increased demand for the heart to beat faster and pump more blood. The heart rate can go up to 130-140 per minute. That’s when you want your ticker to beat very well.

If someone with a cardiac scar induced by the COVID-jab gets admitted to the hospital and does not survive, it can easily be blamed on the patient’s admission condition.

Another possibility is cardiac arrhythmia. A scarred heart muscle does not allow electrical conduction to pass thru. If that happens,  ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation can occur, leading to cardiac arrest.

Myocarditis is underdiagnosed

Many are walking around with COVID jab myocarditis scars without knowing it. Recall that many (73%) are asymptomatic (see above). And if they are diagnosed to have myocarditis, not all will get a cardiac MRI.

Because of that, myocarditis from the COVID shots will not appear on the death certificate. The patient, family members, or medical staff will not know.

However, if an athlete with no prior medical history suddenly gets a cardiac arrest while playing, it is probably from the COVID jab.

Is that what happened to the son of Lebron, Bronny James, who had a cardiac arrest during basketball practice? How about Vince Iwuchukwu, who is a USC five-star freshman? Both are from the University of Southern California basketball team. How about Lamar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills? There are hundreds of others.

We don’t know if they got vaccinated, but they are probably due to the coercive mandates.

Luckily, they all survived. It could be that their physical fitness played a significant role in their outcomes.

Read: Physical Activity Prolongs Life

How many children have myocarditis?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, among children aged 12-17 years, using data current as of May 2023,

17.9 million US children and adolescents ages 12- 17 have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine – Representing 68% of 12-17 year-olds

15.3 million of US children and adolescents ages 12- 17 completed the 2-dose vaccination series – Representing 59% of 12-17 year-olds

A new study published by the European Journal of Heart Failure in July 2023 from Basel, Switzerland, showed that myocarditis is more common than previously thought.[5]

Out of 777 hospital employees with the mRNA-1273 (Moderna), one out of 35 developed myocarditis as measured by blood markers. [5]

Crunching some numbers, using 15.3 million (2 doses) and one out of 35 developing myocarditis, we can expect 437,142 myocarditis cases.

Among the 437,142, 40% or 174,857 will get scarring in their hearts, increasing their all-cause and cardiac-induced mortality.

All because of a “vaccine” against COVID-19 that causes very low mortality among children. I wrote about it at

  1. USA study: Adults and children with the Omicron variant have milder COVID-19
  2. COVID-19 in children 0-17 years old have a low risk of death and hospitalization
  3. Children 5-11 Years Old have Mild COVID-19
  4. Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic COVID-19 elicits effective and long-lasting antibody responses in children and adolescents.

So when you hear a study saying that COVID -jab induced myocarditis is rare and mild, take it with a bucketful of salt.

Truth heals. Lies kill. Don’t Get Sick!

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  1. How to Screen for Sudden Death
  2. The FAA has allowed pilots with First Degree Heart Blocks to Fly
  3. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  4. Did Lisa Marie Presley had a Complete Heart Block?
  5. Children with Post Vaccine Myocarditis have Spike Proteins in their Blood
  6. Myocarditis is more common than Commotio Cardis
  7. Myocarditis in the Autopsies of Five that “Suddenly Died”
  8. More than 50% of vaccinated athletes with Myocarditis
  9. COVID jabs increased Risk of Myocarditis Deaths for ALL Ages
  10. Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19
  11. Thai study shows a whopping 1,660 myocarditis cases per 100K COVID injections
  12. Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19
  13. Autopsy of a soldier who died of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID vaccination
  14. A professional athlete who died of fulminant myocarditis after the Moderna jab
  15. Myocarditis by age, sex and COVID shot
  16. COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old
  17. Kaiser Permanente study shows myopericarditis is 43 times higher than VAERS reports.
  18. Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
  19. Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes 
  20. Circulation: Myocarditis related to COVID-19 shots in teenagers and young adults
  21. Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain Myocarditis
  22. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  23. Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine


  1. Yu CK, Tsao S, Ng CW, Chua GT, Chan KL, Shi J, Chan YY, Ip P, Kwan MY, Cheung YF. Cardiovascular Assessment up to One Year After COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Myocarditis. Circulation. 2023 Aug;148(5):436-439. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.064772. Epub 2023 Jul 31. PMID: 37523760; PMCID: PMC10373639.
  2. Children’s Heart Institute Ejection Fraction
  3. Eichhorn C, Greulich S, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Sznitman R, Kwong RY, Grän C.
    Multiparametric cardiovascular magnetic resonance approach in diagnosing, monitoring, and prognostication of myocarditis. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022;15:1325–1338. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.11.017
  4. S. Grun, J. Schumm, S. Greulich, et al. Long-term follow-up of biopsy-proven viral myocarditis: predictors of mortality and incomplete recovery. J Am Coll Cardiol, 59 (18) (2012), pp. 1604-1615
  5. Buergin N, Lopez-Ayala P, Hirsiger JR, Mueller P, Median D, Glarner N, Rumora K, Herrmann T, Koechlin L, Haaf P, Rentsch K, Battegay M, Banderet F, Berger CT, Mueller C. Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination. Eur J Heart Fail. 2023 Jul 20. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.2978. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37470105.

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1 Reply to “What happens to the heart after one year of COVID jab myocarditis?”

  1. Doc , this is sickening…I just want to cry…so much evil in the world…I cannot comprehend that these psychopaths cannot be stopped… how many are there?…2,000? 10,000? even 100,000? but we are still the majority with 8 billions people…how can we not stop this insanity and have them all thrown in jail or better, hang them…

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