Above-average deaths of 5 to 74 years old for the year 2021
The death statistics for the US for 2021 are now complete. The website deadorkicking.com gathers US data from:
- CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
- United States Census Bureau
The data for 2021 is presented below

To add context, I put together the number of deaths by age group from 2016 to 2021. 2016 to 2019 is the pre-COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 and 2021 are the pandemic years. The COVID shots were introduced early in 2021.
The table below shows the US death data from 2016 to 2021. The numbers on the left side of each column are the number of deaths, and the colored ones are the percentage increase or decrease.
A decrease in percentage is colored red, and an increase in blue to be consistent with the deadorkicking.com representation. Note the double-digit rise in the rates of deaths from the 15 to 64 age group for 2021.

The increases are staggering compared to 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started.
The graph below shows the US population, Number of Deaths, and Death Rates from 1999 to 2021. Note the disappointing failure of the deaths to decrease back to the baseline trend.

Let’s look at world deaths. Notice the declining death rates from 1999 to 2019 then the spike in 2020 and 2021. Somebody does not like the declining death rates and increasing population. Who might that be?

Granted that the SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus and it took several months for the proper treatment to be formulated.
If the treatment recommendations for COVID-19 from the FDA, NIH, CDC, state medical boards, hospital protocols are efficacious and COVID-19 shots were more than 94% protective and safe as the CDC and FDA said, the 2021 death rates should be lower than what they are.
But the mainstream COVID-19 treatments and injections did not produce that graph. The recommendations from the Front LIne Critical Care COVID-19 Alliance FLCCC and America’s Front Line Doctors AFLD, and others were not only ignored. Instead, mainstream media, social media bots, and so-called authorities vilified the doctors. The majority dismissed the warnings about the shots.
There was no natural calamity, mass terrorist attack, or kinetic war within the US in 2021 that killed millions. There was only one new thing—the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy.
Don’t Get Sick!
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- US data: High numbers of autopsies done in 2021 among 15-64 years old.
- CDC data shows higher deaths from 25-54 years old in 2021 compared to 2018-2020
- 145 countries with higher COVID-19 cases and deaths after the COVID shots
- Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
- Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the CDC reports!
- German Analysis: The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality
Sources: Click on the years of the following Deadorkicking websites
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 US Data. Worldwide 2021
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