The Monkeypox Vaccines Adverse Events of Special Interest

This article has two objectives. One is to present the adverse effects of the two smallpox vaccines, JYNNEOS and ACAM2000, also used for monkeypox.  The second is to demonstrate that reporting adverse events after vaccination (like COVID-19 shots) is necessary so that the safety profile of that product can be more defined. Knowledge about adverse…

Smallpox vaccines for monkeypox

When I started writing about monkeypox on May 19, there were only 35 cases.  As of this writing,  there are now 228 confirmed and 90 suspected cases as tabulated by BNO News. 35 to 237 confirmed cases in five days. That is almost a 700% increase. At this rate, the monkeypox cases may be in…

Germany orders 40,000 smallpox vaccines

According to Reuters, Germany ordered 40,000 Imvanex™ smallpox vaccines from Bavarian Nordic to carry out ring vaccinations. Ring vaccination is given to close contacts of an isolated infected person. This prevents the spread of a contagious and deadly disease. The ring is the group of people in close contact with the infected patient. The vaccinated…

Did the Wuhan Virology lab mutate the monkeypox virus?

Many articles circulating say that the Wuhan Virology Institute (WVI) in China made a gain of function experiment on the monkeypox virus. That is not true. The experiment from the scientists at the Wuhan Virology Institute is the Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based…

Rising Monkeypox Cases: What You Need to Know

The explosion of monkeypox cases in Europe, the US, and Australia is worrying. It is not natural. There’s no point source. Many cases are being diagnosed within days of each other in countries outside Africa where monkeypox is endemic. Furthermore, the affected countries are separated by borders and oceans. There is no report that the…

In silico study may explain the rise of hepatitis among children

You may have heard of the unexplained rise in liver inflammation or hepatitis among children. In a report by Yale Medicine, Yet more than 100 cases of severe hepatitis—in otherwise healthy children—have been reported in 25 states and territories in recent months. And there have been at least another 100 cases in 19 other countries….

Stay Informed: The Ultimate Guide To COVID-19 Updates

This page contains nearly all I have written about the rapidly spreading COVID-19. My undergraduate studies in public health and clinical experience in emergency medicine and internal medicine have given me the tools to understand the significance of the pandemic for each patient and the global community. All the articles have references from medical journals….

Know more about Monkeypox

Yesterday, the first case in the United States was documented in Massachusetts. There have been seven suspected cases in Montreal, Canada. There were seven confirmed and one probable case of monkeypox in the United Kingdom and eight patients in Spain and Portugal. In the UK, the four cases were among men who have sex with…

Intermittent Fasting: Now more than ever

I have talked about the benefits of intermittent fasting and the resulting reversal of cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, and hypertriglyceridemia. The past several months have shown unrelenting food price increases. This resulted from the war in Ukraine, the hyperinflationary policies of the US Federal Reserve, the culling of millions of poultry due to…

Meta-analysis shows exercise improves neuropathy

Neuropathy is a problem with nerve endings. The most common causes are diabetes and chemotherapy. We refer to the nerves supplying the upper and lower extremities when we talk of neuropathy in general, which is why it is also called peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy can lead to other complications like gangrene, limb amputations, falls, persistent discomfort,…

Mother’s Day and Fetal Microchimerism

Fetal microchimerism is when the fetal cells travel outside the fetus and embed in the mother’s body during pregnancy. Those fetal cells can stay with the mother for decades and affect her health. The Chimera is a Greek mythological creature with parts taken from different animals. The Benefits to the Baby The fetus has a…

COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old

  A study from MIT, Massachusetts General Hospital, Israel National Emergency Services, and Ben Gurion University showed a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome calls since the COVID vaccines were started. [1] The authors defined Cardiac Arrest (CA) as a sudden electrical malfunction of the heart of presumed cardiac or medical etiology,…

Pfizer and Moderna shots increase all cause mortality: Denmark study

Vaccines modify the immune system. Those changes may protect or increase the risk of acquiring unrelated infections. Also, the body’s response to immune diseases is altered. A good example is the effect of the anti-tuberculosis vaccine, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. Neonates who received BCG have a lower mortality rate. Is this the same for the COVID-19…

Silver nanoparticles and COVID-19

The FLCCC Weekly Webinar on April 13, 2022, featured Dr. Jackie Stone, who talked about her use of silver for COVID-19. She spoke of her experience with silver nanoparticles for COVID-19 at 24:58 here. What is the science behind colloidal silver against infections? A study published in the journal Antibiotics showed that colloidal silver is…

The Charge of Maimonides

Today, I attended the University of Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences graduation for their medical students. At the end of the ceremony, the new physicians recited the Charge of Maimonides. I find it touching and reproduced it here. Charge of Maimonides “May the Almighty, source of Mercy, be with you in all…

First cases of human cases of H5N1 influenza in the US and H3N8 in China

The CDC confirmed that a Colorado man has tested positive for the H5N1 influenza virus. The man is a worker on a poultry farm and resides in a state correctional facility. He complains of fatigue and is taking oseltamivir (Tamiflu). Repeat tests on the person were negative for influenza. That may indicate that the highly…

The many problems of the Ivermectin study in the NEJM

The esteemed New England Journal of Medicine published an ivermectin study, Effect of Early Treatment with Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19 in March 2022. The second paragraph of the abstract lays out the design of the study to make it sound like it is a well-made, unbiased, and a scientific study: METHODS We conducted a…

UK Study of COVID-19 shots and Excess Rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Update April 15, 2022: Originally published on December 21, 2022. The same study is now peer-reviewed and published in the journal Brain, COVID-19 vaccination and Guillain-Barré syndrome: analyses using the National Immunoglobulin Database. This post presents a study done by several government health agencies in the UK about the excess cases of Guillan Barré syndrome…