This article discusses a study that discovered that SARS-CoV-2 spike DNA can be found in human liver cells after the the Pfizer shot. It has always been said that the mRNA in COVID shots does not integrate into human genes because they contain messenger RNA only, which does not combine with human DNA. RNA will need an enzyme called reverse…
Author: Jesse Santiano, M.D.
US government issues guide on how to prepare for nuclear explosion
Yesterday, Vladimir Putin put placed all of Russia’s nuclear armaments on high alert. In response, the US government updated to include nuclear preparedness. This article is reproduced from the U.S. website This is new on their website. Many of you probably know that I worked in the emergency room for more than a…
Study: Unvaxxed don’t hate the vaxxed, but the vaxxed do
The study featured in this article was initially designed to see if there is mutual antipathy among the COVID-19 vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Prejudice Against the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Conjoint Experiment is available at Their findings may not surprise some as many have felt them. Method The…
Spike proteins in the blood for two days and lymph nodes for sixty days post COVID vaccination
A peer-reviewed study published in Cell shows the good and the bad (mostly) about the COVID-19 shots. The study’s findings help explain why adverse reactions happen with the COVID-19 (CV19) injections. The authors compared antibodies by people who recovered from CV19 and those vaccinated with the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik, and Sinopharm vaccines. Findings The…
The COVID-19 reinfection risk at 18 months is low at 0.32%
Doctors from the University of Ferrara, University of Bologna, and the Local Health Unit of Pescara studied the entire population of the Abruzzo Region in Italy to know the rate of COVID-19 (CV19) reinfection. They defined reinfection as the presence of two positive PCR samples ≥45 days apart with ≥ 1 negative PCR test in…
Excess deaths in Scotland 2021
There are excess deaths in Scotland for 2021, the year of the COVID vaccines rollout. The graph below from shows Scotland’s weekly number of deaths from 2020 to 2021, and data is from the National Records of Scotland. The graph shows the percentage of deaths from Respiratory/CV19, Heart/Stroke, Dementia/Alzheimer, Cancer, and Others (trauma, suicides,…
More COVID jabbed dead from COVID-19 than the unvaxxed in Scotland
Public Health Scotland released the COVID-19 Winter Report. It is 62 pages long, but I will go straight to the point. Table 15 on page 47, shown below, summarizes it all. The table shows the confirmed COVID-19 related deaths among the unvaccinated and three vaccinated groups. (One, two, and three (booster) doses). Table 15 of…
Kaiser Permanente study shows myopericarditis is 43 times higher than VAERS reports
Kaiser Permanente Northwest studied 65,785 members aged 18-39 who received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot at least five months following the primary series. They looked for the ‘myocarditis’ and ‘pericarditis’ diagnosis codes in all outpatient and inpatient encounters until January 18, 2022. Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscles, and pericarditis is the inflammation…
Study shows obesity worsens pregnancy outcomes in maternal COVID-19
A study from Sri Lanka on 2,493 women with COVID-19 identified that pre-pregnancy overweight and obesity increases the risk of preterm delivery ( less than 37 weeks). Data was collected from March 1, 2020, to October 31, 2021, by the Family Health Bureau, Ministry of Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pregnancy outcomes of mothers with COVID-19…
The beneficial effects of the Wim Hof Method on arthritis
Plos One published a study on whether the Wim Hof Method can clinically improve arthritis. The Wim Hof Method (WHM) comprises a breathing technique with hyperventilation, cold therapy, and meditation. The breathing method is described below. A previous article, Secrets of the Ice Man: Voluntary control of adrenaline and the effect on the immune system,…
Rapid Progression of a Lymphoma following Pfizer booster shot
A 66-year-old man with no significant medical history except for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and type 2 diabetes presented on September 1, 2021, with lymph node enlargement on his neck. The increase in size became apparent after a recent flu-like syndrome. He has no history of cancer. He had two doses of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer) 5…
Secrets of the Ice Man revealed: How he tolerates the cold and produce body heat while in icy temperatures
Yesterday I posted Secrets of the Ice Man: Voluntary control of adrenaline and the effect on the immune system. This article features “Brain over body”-A study on the willful regulation of autonomic function during cold exposure that gave the scientific explanation on how Wim Hof can tolerate prolonged exposure to icy environments. Wim Hof, also known as…
Secrets of the Ice Man: Voluntary control of adrenaline and the effect on the immune system
Wim Hof is a man with extraordinary abilities. In a GQ article that featured the Ice Man, Wim Hof “holds 20 world records ranging from the world’s longest ice bath – 1 hour and 52 minutes and 42 seconds – to his successful attempt to scale Mount Everest wearing nothing but shorts, shoes, and a…
Above-average deaths of 5 to 74 years old for the year 2021
Above-average deaths of 5 to 74 years old for the year 2021 The death statistics for the US for 2021 are now complete. The website gathers US data from: CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation United States Census Bureau The data for 2021 is presented below…
The SARS-CoV-2 infects the human testes, lower testosterone and can be sexually transmitted from severe COVID-19 survivors
A new study from Brazil looked at the devastating effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on testicular tissues among men who had severe COVID-19
Naturally acquired antibodies from COVID-19 last up to 20 months
The Journal of the American Medical Association recently published a study from the Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, on February 3, 2022. The research answered the question. How long do naturally acquired antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus last? Specifically, they focused on antibodies against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARs-CoV-2,…
Mothers with young children harmed mainly by Melbourne lockdown
A recent study, Zero-COVID Policies: Melbourne’s 112-Day Hard Lockdown Experiment Harmed Mostly Mothers looked at what population group is most affected by the 112-day lockdown in Melbourne. Melbourne is the second-largest city in Australia and the capital of Victoria state. The lockdown is part of the Zero-COVID strategy to achieve zero infections. The stay-at-home orders and…
Triglyceride/LDL Cholesterol ratio predicts small dense LDL, the best predictor of atherosclerosis
This article discusses the study that showed that the triglyceride and LDL cholesterol ratio of ≥1.1 can predict the development of atherosclerosis.
COVID-19 infections among infants: Symptoms and who gets hospitalized
The Canadian study Clinical manifestations and disease severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection among infants in Canada focused on infants who get COVID-19. They want to know their symptoms, how many are hospitalized, and the risk factors for severe COVID-19 among babies. The study is from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, in collaboration with…
COVID-19 during pregnancy follows a routine clinical course for the mother and her baby
The clinical impact of maternal COVID-19 on mothers, their infants, and placentas with an analysis of vertical transfer of maternal SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG antibodies is a study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It is a preprint at medRxiv that came out yesterday. The research included 115 pregnant mothers with COVID-19 from December…