In this article, I put together several sources from Mike Adams, Dr. Pablo Campras, and several advancements in nanotechnology.
Yesterday, Mike Adams published in Natural News several photos of blood clots from adults who “suddenly died” following covid vaccinations.”

The samples were stained using standard gram stain techniques, washed with ethyl alcohol, and prepared on slides. I reproduced some of them here.
Here is a crystal-like structure at 500X magnification.

Another at 1000X magnification shows structures, strands, and particles.

The image below shows a silicon-like “chip” structure at 500X.

Chalk like white particles at 500x

And at 1500X

And a “nanowire” with repeating structural scales at 1500X.

Mr. Adam’s impression is that the objects are protein structures.
In conclusion, they are not “blood” clots. They are structures in the blood. They are “structural clots” or “fibrous clots” that are extremely large and are being constructed inside the body over time.
How can that be possible? What’s in the COVID shots that can make these structures possible?
A previous MICROSTRUCTURES IN COVID VACCINES: ¿inorganic crystals or Wireless Nanosensors Network? by Dr. Pablo Campra from Unibersidad de Almeira was released in January this year that showed a fibrillar structure in a Pfizer COVID shot that looks similar to the one seen in Natural News.
In February 2022, Dr. Campra published another article, DNA CRYSTALS NANOTECHNOLOGY IN COVID19 VACCINES.
He showed images of room temperature dried Pfizer Comirnaty™ COVID vaccines by low magnification microscopy. Notice the similarity.

With the help of Mik Andersen, the images were identified as DNA CRYSTALS generated by nanotechnological procedures. In the study abstract, Dr. Campra wrote,
According to the literature, these crystals can be programmed to acquire highly variable configurations and functions, including intracorporeal nanogrid systems for wireless communication.
He talks about his findings in the Rumble video below.
Summarizing the video, Dr. Campra said that the microscopic objects have graphene that is part of the internal circuitry of these crystals. In previous work, Dr. Campra used RAMAN Infrared Spectroscopy to identify graphene particles in COVID shots.
Before writing this article, I didn’t know DNA crystals existed. But they do.
DNA Crystals
The following are images of DNA crystals published by reputable universities.
In 2015, Scientists from the University of Maryland stabilized DNA crystals under various conditions.

In 2019, Purdue University and New York University scientists further stabilized DNA crystals and published their work as Making Engineered 3D DNA Crystals Robust.
This method also enabled the fabrication of DNA crystals with complex architectures including crystal shell, core–shell, and matryoshka dolls. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the applications of the robust DNA crystals in biocatalysis and protein entrapment.
Part of their graphical abstract is shown below.

Dr. Campras also said these DNA crystals could escape the immune system and self-assemble into microcircuitry.
Self-assembling DNA Crystals
Self-assembling DNA nanotechnology sounds farfetched, but it exists.
In 2014 Tech Times reported that the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University had created structures unlike before.
The DNA crystals could potentially be used as the basis of a programmable material platform. Development of these intricate structures could lead to new advances in computing, biology and many other fields.
In 2012, the team developed a “DNA-brick self-assembly” method which they used to develop over 100 biological structures, roughly the size of viruses.
The method uses short clips of DNA, acting like children’s building blocks, which assemble together into a larger structure. The process takes advantage of the fact that base pairs of DNA only group together into certain pairs – cytosine binds solely to guanine, and adenosine pairs only with thymine.
Each small piece of the structure can be placed either parallel or at right angles to neighboring bricks. This allows pre-determined construction of crystalline DNA for the first time, and the new structures are almost the size of a grain of sand.
Source: Crystallizing DNA: Scientists make first large DNA crystals for nanotechnology,
You can watch an animation of the DNA-brick self-assembly at
What could be the purpose of self-assembling DNA and graphene microcircuits?
A PDF file, Intra-body nano-network, was written by Mik Andersen and discussed in an Orwell City episode.

This nano-network described by Andersen is the one that would allow the neurostimulation of the population through a network designed for this purpose.
Many indications confirm that neuromodulation is the real purpose of the operation behind the global inoculation, ranging from the enactment of neuro-rights laws in some countries to the structuring of the same nano-network that is being deciphered, which would be a very advanced military technology.
Is there evidence that graphene can interact with human cells?
Yes. The paper Single-layer graphene modulates neuronal communication and augments membrane ion currents showed that single-layer graphene increases the firing of neurons by altering membrane-associated functions in cultured cells.
Conclusion and Recommendations
This article shows that the technology exists for DNA crystals and self-assembly. To conclude that the Pfizer COVID shots can do these needs to be reproduced by other authors.
Maybe someone can get a hold of to-be discarded vials and use them to test if graphene in the blood clots can be reproduced in animals. (Pharmacies throw away vials that are not empty at the end of the day.)
In April, a vaccinated gorilla recently died after her COVID jab . I wonder if they did an autopsy?
Mr. Adams should reach out to Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, for a formal pathological examination of the specimens and define the tough and fibrous material in the samples. I suspect amyloids are present in the blood clots.
Dr. Cole recommended that more autopsies be done among those who died after their COVID shots.
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can form amyloids seen in the lung, blood, and nervous system disorders.
Another set of samples can be sent to Dr. Pablo Campras in Spain. He has access to an electron microscope and RAMAN infrared spectroscopy to see if there is graphene in the tissues.
I suggest hand delivery for all samples to ensure chain of custody.
Truth heals. Lies kill. Don’t Get Sick!
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- Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines
- Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots
- Contamination or Wireless Nanosensors network in the COVID shots?
- US data: High numbers of autopsies done in 2021 among 15-64 years old.
- The Whole English translation of the Spanish study that shows 99% Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
- A Form of Graphene can Destroy SARS-CoV-2
- Degradation of Graphene in the Human Body
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- Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the CDC reports!
- German Analysis: The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality
- NATURAL NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures
- Orwell City. Dr. Pablo Campra on DNA crystals in COVID vaccines
- Making Engineered 3D DNA Crystals Robust. Zhe Li, Longfei Liu, Mengxi Zheng, Jiemin Zhao, Nadrian C. Seeman, and Chengde Mao. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019 141 (40), 15850-15855. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b06613
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