Decreased Number of Births in Countries with the Highest COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake

This article looks at the top five countries with the highest percentage of COVID-19 vaccination and its effect on population growth.

According to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the countries with the highest percentage of the population receiving at least one dose of the COVID shots are:

  1. Palau   115.35%
  2. Nauru  111.47%
  3. Malta    108.42%
  4. Brunei   103.06
  5. United Arab Emirates  101.02%
  6. Qatar    98.98%
  7. Samoa   97.57%

For perspective, the US has only 81.82%, the UK 79.27%, and Canada at 90.89%

I omitted Nauru and the United Arab Emirates since they do not have updated demographics, including Crude Births and Crude Death Rates.

To save space, I copied only a small sample of the tables from Wikipedia.

Some definitions.

 The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) measures the number of births per 1,000 people.

Crude Death Rate refers to the number of deaths occurring throughout a year per 1000 population of a country.

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime. Ideally, it should be 2.11 to replace the population for the next generation. In that case, it is called the replacement level fertility.

Natural Change in Population is CBR minus CDR.

The Fertility Rate is the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime. 2.11 is needed to replace the population.

The COVID-19 shots started in 2021.

Palau 115.35%

Palau is a country in the western Pacific with a prevalence of adult obesity of  55%—the second-highest. The number one is Nauru.

In 2022, one year after the COVID-19 shots were started, live births decreased from 224 in 2021 to 155, and deaths increased by 31.

The result is a negative 46 change in the Natural increase in the population. (Live births minus deaths). The decrease in the population is the first since 1990.

The Crude Birth Rate of 8.8 in 2022 was the lowest since 1990. Conversely, the Crude Death Rate is the highest at 11.4 since 1990.

The result is a lower total population of 17,579 in 2022. This level was last seen in 2013. 2022 also features a never-before-seen decline in the Rate of Natural Increase in Population at -2.6.

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

Malta 108.42%

The Republic of Malta is an island country in southern Europe in the Mediterranean Sea.

2022 showed the lowest Natural Population Change since 1932 at 79. I excluded  1942’s 25.1 because of World War II.

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

The year following the COVID jabs (2022) seemed to have affected the number of births, with the Crude Birth Rate decreasing to its lowest level at 8.3 since 1932.

The Fertility Rate was affected by the lowest number of births and became the lowest at 1.08 since it was recorded in 1977.

Crude Death Rates of 8.1 and 8.0 in 2021 and 2022, respectively, are also the highest since 1988.

2022 also showed the lowest Natural Change in Population at 0.3 since 1932.

Natural Change is the Crude Birth Rate minus the Crude Death Rate. Low births and a high number of deaths result in low Natural Change.

Brunei   103.06%

Brunei is a country in Southeast Asia, situated on the northern coast of the island of Borneo.

After a year of COVID-19 jabs, the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) in 2022 was 14.0, the lowest since 1949. The highest was 59.1 in 1956.

The Crude Death Rate (CDR) increased to 4.0 during the 2020 pandemic and still went up to 4.2 after the COVID jabs were released. It continues to go higher in 2022 at 5.2. The highest since 1972.

The Natural Change in the Population (CBR-CDR) is 8.8. This is the least population increase in Brunei since 1949. It ranged before in the double digits.

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

Qatar  98.98%

2022: The year after the vaccine release showed the lowest Crude Birth Rate of 8.8 since 1970.

2022 saw a decrease in Live Births at 24,703. It is the lowest year-over-year increase since 2013. Live births rebounded to 27,414 in 2023.

2022 has the smallest increase in Natural change in population at 7.8 since 1970 when it was 29.1.

So far, 2023 data is incomplete. It would be interesting to see the 2023 CBR and CDR.

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

 Samoa 97.57%

The Independent State of Samoa is a Polynesian island country. The only COVID-19 vaccine approved is the AstraZeneca Non-replicating viral-vector vaccine

The data available on Wikipedia is up to 2021 only.

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake

At World-O-Meter, population data till 2024 is available. Samoa shows an increase in population with no spike in death rates. Crude Death Rate is stable.

However, in 2021, the Crude Birth Rate dropped to 27.3, the lowest since 1950. The total fertility rate has also been the lowest at 21.9 since 1950. At its peak, TFR is 7.68 children per woman of childbearing age.

Natural population change is the lowest at 21.9 for 2021.

Decreased Number Of Births In Countries With The Highest Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake  


Based on the demographics of most COVID-19-vaccinated countries, the shots negatively affect birth rates and increase the death rates.

The net result is a smaller population increase. The data presented is not as eye-catching or may not be worthy of any hype. However, something happened in the reproductive systems of both men and women for this to happen.

Population demographics should be watched closely. The continuity of civilization depends on it.

It can be from the COVID-19 infection or the “safe and effective” vaccines.

There is evidence for that to happen.

In the next article, we will look at the least vaccinated countries and find out if they have the same experience.

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