Cytokine Storms, mRNA changes and COVID shots

This article presents a case series from Japan about four people who died due to cytokine storms after the COVID mRNA shots. I also present the possible reasons for how it happened. A cytokine storm is when the immune response goes berserk. We see it in the Syndrome of Inflammatory Immune Response Syndrome (SIRS). SIRS…

Aerobic, Resistance and Combined Exercise Lowers High Blood Pressure

This article presents a study that showed that different exercises could lower blood pressure similarly. The research was made to answer the question. What exercise is the best to lower blood pressure? Is it aerobic or weight lifting, or should they be combined? Forty-two participants, age 54 ± 11 years, with a resting blood pressure (SBP/DBP) of 137 ± 9/86 ± 6 mmHg…

Fasting Improves Diabetic Kidney Disease

This article discusses the two studies that showed the improvement of kidney functions in those with diabetes who fasted. An estimated 37 million Americans have Chronic kidney disease (CKD)—more than 1 in 7 U.S. adults. Kidney disease is present in about 1 in 3 people with diabetes and 1 in 5 people with high blood…

How to stop bleeding if on nattokinase

Nattokinase has anticoagulant properties. If you take nattokinase and have a cut, the bleeding may be more profuse than usual. It is the same as in any other drugs like aspirin or warfarin or newer ones like dabigatran. I have been taking nattokinase 2,000 FU every day since I have been writing about it. One night,…

Natto: An application of the 80-20 Rule

The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, says that 80% of outcomes or outputs result from 20% of all causes for any given event.  The ratio does not have to be 80-20 all the time. Essentially, it says that a massive amount of results can happen from a small amount of effort. Regarding…

How I Made and Appreciated Natto

This article discusses how I made my first batch of natto. I figured that with all the health benefits I learned about natto and nattokinase, I would be crazy not to take it. I don’t know any store or restaurant that sells it around my area, so I decided to make my own. It was…

Protective Effects of Nattokinase against Strokes

 This article discusses how nattokinase can protect the brain from the destructive effects of strokes.  Nattokinase (NK) is an enzyme derived from natto, a fermented Japanese food. It has been consumed for over a thousand years.  Stroke Strokes or ischemic cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) cause cerebral ischemia, a condition in which the blood and oxygen supply…

Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis and the Nattokinase Solution

This article discusses the relationship between insulin resistance and atherosclerosis formation and how nattokinase improves both. In a study that I previously referred to by Ren et al., they compared nattokinase (NK) 6,000 units with simvastatin 20 mg in 72 patients. After 26 weeks, it showed that nattokinase (NK) and simvastatin could decrease total cholesterol…

Soy Foods Do Not Increase Breast Cancer Risk

This article presents a series of studies showing that soy intake does not increase breast cancer risk. In contrast, the opposite is true. Soy intake lowers the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer is currently the most common cancer globally, accounting for 12.5% of all new annual cancer cases worldwide. It is the second most…

IgG4 is not increased in Long COVID Syndrome

This article presents a new study showing that IgG4 is not elevated in Long COVID Syndrome.[1] Long COVID Syndrome The CDC defines Long COVID, Long Haul COVID, or Post COVID Syndrome as continuing COVID-19 symptoms after four weeks. It can last weeks, months, or even years after infection. Sometimes the symptoms can even go away…

Moderna and Pfizer COVID jabs Increase Anti-inflammatory IgG4

A new study showed that IgG4 increases with time with Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots.[1] The rise in Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) is concerning because, in contrast to IgG1 and IgG3, which eliminate the virus, IgG4 tolerates them and allows them to persist. In December 2022, Irrgang P et al. published their study, Class switch towards…

High-Dose Nattokinase to Shrink Atherosclerosis and Lower Blood Lipids

A study shows a daily dose of 10,800 FU of nattokinase (NK) to decrease atherosclerotic plaque and lower total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from natto, a Japanese food from fermented soybeans. Natto has been enjoyed and proven safe for eating for more than a thousand years. FU stands for Fibrin…

Nattokinase is Nontoxic with a High Safety Margin

Two studies showed no safety concerns for nattokinase regarding toxicity and genotoxicity.[1] Nattokinase is derived from natto made from fermented soybeans, a Japanese food. The first was published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology in 2019. The authors are from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University and Sungen Biotech Company in China. The study was part of the preclinical evaluation…

The Outstanding Vascular Effects and Dose of Nattokinase

This article discusses the many health benefits of Nattokinase and its effective dose based on published research. I noticed that many are reading my nattokinase articles. Nattokinase Degrades the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Another Study shows Nattokinase can Destroy the S1 Spike Protein Nattokinase is Nontoxic with a High Safety Margin The possible reason for the…

Physical Work May Solve Global Decline in Sperm Counts

A meta-analysis published in Human Reproduction showed a continued global decline in sperm counts.[1] The research studied the sperm concentration and total sperm count of men from North America–Europe–Australia, and South/Central America–Asia–Africa using 223 studies from 1973-2018.[1] The study results pertain to young men who are unlikely to be aware of their fertility, such as…

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and mRNA can get inside the human nucleus

A study showed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and its messenger RNA could get inside the nucleus of human cells. The study, Nuclear translocation of spike mRNA and protein is a novel feature of SARS-CoV-2, was peer-reviewed and published in Frontiers in Microbiology in January 2023. Nuclear translocation is unique to SARS-CoV-2 and not seen…

Repeated COVID booster shots Impair Immunity

This article discusses a study that showed that repeated injections of the recombinant COVID-19 “vaccines” lower the overall immune response. The study, Extended SARS-CoV-2 RBD booster vaccination, induces humoral and cellular immune tolerance in mice, was published in iScience in December 2022. Repeated Boosters Reduced Innate Immune Response The study shows repeated COVID shots (fourth dose)…

Bromelain for Long COVID and Post Vaccine Syndrome

This article discusses bromelain’s potential uses, particularly for those with Long Covid and Post-Vaccine syndrome. Bromelain Bromelain is used to reduce nasal congestion, as a pain killer, and digestive issues. It comes from the stem of the pineapple plant. It is inexpensive to manufacture since it comes from a waste by-product. Bromelain can be absorbed…

The Fragility of the mRNA in the COVID-shots

Why do some people have severe adverse effects from the mRNA COVID shots and others do not? A study published in the Biophysical Journal explains. The body quickly destroys injected messenger RNAs. Moderna and Pfizer enclosed the mRNA inside a lipid nanoparticle (LPN) to prevent that. LPN also allows the large mRNAs to enter the…