19-year-old who took 1200 mg of Ivermectin Survives

A 19-year-old Black African girl took 400 tablets of 3 mg ivermectin. The Journal of Medical Case Reports published her case in April 2023. Ivermectin is used to prevent the complications of river blindness in Africa. It is caused by a worm called Onchocerca volvulus.  The disease is called river blindness because the blackfly that…

Over The Counter Ivermectin

Ivermectin can be bought without a prescription in Tennessee since July 2022. But you don’t have to go there to get it. You can buy ivermectin online at Medicine Counter, a pharmacy in Hixson, Tennessee. Ivermectin can be purchased for as low as $37 for a 5-day treatment. They also accept HSA/FSA cards. Other FLCCC-recommended…

Ivermectin’s Role in Preventing the Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2

A question in the comment section: Considering that ivermectin does not cross the blood-brain barrier, what is its role in lessening the neurologic effects of SARS-CoV-2? SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can pass thru the protective blood-brain barrier and cause problems like loss of smell and taste and headaches. If not treated early, worse…

Ivermectin Against SARS-CoV-2 Variants

This article talks about the mechanisms of action of ivermectin against the SARS-CoV-2 variants. The topic was inspired by a question from a colleague, Dr. Haruhuani S., regarding the article, Encephalitis may explain the high COVID-19 deaths in China. From the comments section: Obvious question: how do ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine do against this variant? Thanks…

A new study shows a 100% decreased hospitalization rate with regular ivermectin use

Cureus recently published a peer-reviewed study that showed the effectiveness of ivermectin in decreasing COVID-19 hospitalization among ivermectin users.[1] Kerr et al. conducted the prospective observational study in Itajaí, Brazil, between July 7 and December 2, 2020. A Prospective Observational Study is a study in which the actual (i.e., real-world) experiences of the groups being…

The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is composed of clinicians who treat COVID-19. They are always at the forefront of formulating treatment protocols for COVID-19, Long Haul Syndrome and Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome. Recently, they updated their early COVID-19 treatment protocol and it is now the I-CARE Early COVID Treatment that I reproduce…

The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance updated its protocols. I-PREVENT: COVID Protection Protocol is the new name for the COVID-19 Prevention Protocol. The I-PREVENT protocol must be part of an overall strategy that includes common-sense public health actions such as good hand hygiene, avoiding crowded public gatherings, adequate ventilation, and other measures. The following…

Ivermectin prevents binding to human cells by blocking the spike protein

This article discusses how ivermectin can prevent the binding of the spike protein to the blood vessel wall and potentially stop abnormal blood clots. The article, Four ways the spike protein rapidly forms blood clots resistant to break down talked about how the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus can rapidly produce thick blood clots…

Stay Informed: The Ultimate Guide To COVID-19 Updates

This page contains nearly all I have written about the rapidly spreading COVID-19. My undergraduate studies in public health and clinical experience in emergency medicine and internal medicine have given me the tools to understand the significance of the pandemic for each patient and the global community. All the articles have references from medical journals….

The many problems of the Ivermectin study in the NEJM

The esteemed New England Journal of Medicine published an ivermectin study, Effect of Early Treatment with Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19 in March 2022. The second paragraph of the abstract lays out the design of the study to make it sound like it is a well-made, unbiased, and a scientific study: METHODS We conducted a…

The most read articles for 2021

What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and why should you care Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) results in severe disease that may result from previous vaccinations or infections with coronavirus. Early treatment of variants, including the Omicron, prevents ADE from happening. The FDA fully approved the Comirnaty and not the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine How to get Ivermectin Lot Numbers of…

The FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Delta Variant

July 9, 2022 update: The FLCCC Early Treatment Protocol is now The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol This article is updated with new information on Dec. 31, 2021. The Omicron is more infectious but less deadly than the Delta variant. This protocol should also work for the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2. Why treat…

City-wide use of Ivermectin lowered COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Itajaí, Brazil

This article highlights the results of the preprint research showing the effectiveness of Ivermectin against COVID-19.[1] Itajaí, a city in the Southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, initiated a population-wide government program for COVID-19 prophylaxis from July 2020 to December 2020. Population studied A total of 133,051 of these people (60.3% of the population) received…

Ordering Ivermectin Internationally

People looking for Ivermectin drives many viewers to the How to get Ivermectin  and Where to Get Ivermectin Another option is to order internationally. But before purchasing, consider what the FDA has to about online ordering of medications. U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that there are many rogue online pharmacies that claim to sell…

CDC Report shows 25% Mortality in Breakthrough Cases

The CDC has a website, COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation and Reporting that monitors the occurrence of COVID-19 among vaccinated people. The Breakthrough Report is a “sandwich.” A sandwich is putting the negative feedback or news in between something affirmative. An example is a boss firing his employee. Boss: “Bob, you have been a tremendous asset…

What should the household do if someone has an Early COVID-19?

The Delta variant is very contagious. You can get it in an enclosed area with other people who may be asymptomatic. I have seen that happen. If you develop symptoms like scratchy throat, a bit of a headache, or muscle soreness, it may be time to do two things. One is to schedule RT-PCR testing…

What makes Ivermectin a kick-ass antiviral?

This article is updated on Jan 13, 2023. Ivermectin is the I in all the prevention and treatment protocols of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. I-CARE – Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 I-PREVENT – Prevention & At-Home Treatment Mass Distribution Protocol for COVID-19, Influenza and PSV Protection Protocol MATH+ –  Hospital Treatment…

The I-MASK+ for the Prophylaxis and Early Treatment Protocol of COVID-19

July 9, 2022 update: The FLCCC Early Treatment Protocol is now The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol July 5, 2022 update. The FLCCC updated its Prevention Protocol. It is all at The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol. This article updates the MATH+ protocol discussed in— The MATH+ Protocol Results in Greater Survival in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients. The…