An autopsy or post mortem is an examination of the body after death to determine death’s cause. There are several situations where such a medical examination is required and advisable. [1]
The 1954 Model Post-Mortem Examination Act states,
Section 4. [Deaths To Be Investigated.] The Office of Post-Mortem
Examinations shall investigate all human deaths of the types listed
(a) Violent deaths, whether apparently homicidal, suicidal, or
accidental, including but not limited to deaths due to thermal,
chemical, electrical or radiational injury, and deaths due to criminal
abortion, whether apparently self-induced or not;
(b) Sudden deaths not caused by readily recognizable disease;
(c) Deaths under suspicious circumstances;
(d) Deaths of persons whose bodies are to be cremated, dissected,
buried at sea, or otherwise disposed of so as to be thereafter
unavailable for examination;
(e) Deaths of inmates of public institutions not hospitalized therein
for organic disease;
(f) Deaths related to disease resulting from employment or to
accident while employed;
[(g) Deaths related to disease which might constitute a threat to
public health.]
I highlighted “Sudden deaths not caused by readily recognizable disease” because that is pertinent to this article.
Medical Examiner
Erie County, New York, requires doctors to call the county’s medical examiner when someone passes away in the emergency department. If the death is an accident or suspicious of foul play, the deceased will require an autopsy, and that’s for all ages.
If the death can be explained medically, then no post-mortem is done. An example is someone over 70 years old who has a chronic disease like a prior heart attack, diabetes, chronic lung disease, or terminal cancer. If the family wants an autopsy, they will have to make the arrangements with a pathologist, the doctor, who does post-mortems.
I recently posted an article; CDC data shows higher deaths from 25-54 years old in 2021 than in 2018-2020. The CDC compiles all deaths in the whole US. The deaths reported here are actual deaths and not death rates.
This post builds on that article using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and shows the number of people in each age group that had an autopsy. The mortality data for 2021 is still incomplete, but you will see that some age groups have more autopsies for 2021 compared to 2018-2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic started. 2018 and 2019 serve as the baseline.
Anyone can reproduce the data. You can go to Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Month Request, and you will see something like below.

Put Autopsy in “Group results By” and Ten-year-old groups from the drop-down menus.

I reorganized the results in a separate spreadsheet to make yearly comparisons easier for the different age groups. Yes means an autopsy was done and No for none.
Yearly Autopsies by Ten Year Age Groups 2018-2021
Less than one year old
The tables below show a decline in autopsies from the < 1-year-old and the 1-2 years old for the years 2020 and 2021

The decline in autopsies in babies in 2020 and 2021 is due to fewer births in the US for 2020. The lower births decrease the potential number who may die.

One to four years old
For the 1-4 years old, the autopsies declined slightly in 2020 and 2021 compared to 2018 and 2019.

Five to 14 years old
On Oct 29, 2021, the FDA authorized EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children 5-11 years, and it looks like that age group did not have a rise in deaths.
The 5-14 years old have a higher number of deaths in 2020, most likely from the pandemic, and in 2021 returned to the pre-pandemic levels.

15 to 24 years old
It is worthwhile to mention some dates and their significance.
- On May 10, 2021, the FDA expands the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to include adolescents 12–15 years of age.
- Sept 22, 2021, FDA authorizes booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine aged 18 through 64 who have institutional or occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
- Nov 19, 2021, FDA amends EUAs for COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for the use of booster doses for 18 years and older.
- Dec 9, 2021, FDA and CDC expand Pfizer-BioNTech booster recommendations to 16 and 17 years of age.

The rise in deaths in 2020 is multifactorial, and it could be from COVID-19, domestic violence, suicides from depression resulting from prolonged lockdowns. US News reported,
Emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls between the ages of 12 and 17 increased by 26% during summer 2020 and by 50% during winter 2021, compared with the same periods in 2019, , researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.
For 2021, the deaths and autopsies are higher than the 2018-2019 baseline. This may be a continuation of suicides or unexplained deaths, which is one indication from autopsies.
Even though the shots started in September 2021, a study by Pantazatos and Seligmann found that most deaths happen within a few weeks after the jabs. I talked about that study in Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the VAERS reports!
A young man with no medical problems who dies suddenly is a potential medical examiner’s case. Myocarditis is one cause of sudden death, and it is one of the complications of COVID shots in young men.
- Myocarditis by age, sex, and COVID shot
- Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain myocarditis
- Circulation: Myocarditis related to COVID-19 shots in teenagers and young adults
- Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
- Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine
FDA Emergency Use Authorizations
- In December 2020, FDA issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
- On Feb 27, 2021, FDA issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine.
- Sept 22, 2021, FDA authorized booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for those aged 18 through 65 years and older.
- On Oct 20, 2021, the FDA amended EUAs of all COVID-19 vaccines, allowing mix and match booster doses.
25-44 age groups
There are more deaths and autopsies among the 25 thru 44 years old in 2020 and 2021. Many people in this age group have no diagnosed heart disease or cardiac risk factors. Sudden deaths will require a post-mortem. These are probably vaccine-related deaths and some from increased violence in 2021.
45-64 years old
There are more deaths among 45-64 years old in 2020 and 2021 compared to 2018-2019. More people did not have post-mortems in 2021 from 25 to 85+ years old. Those who did not have autopsies died of something that can be explained medically. Like COVID-19, heart attacks, and strokes.
There is an increase of about 1,472 autopsies in the 45-54 age group and 1,344 in the 55-64-year-old group in 2021 compared to 2019. These are the ones who died of violent causes, accidents, or vaccine-related deaths.
The deaths in 2020 and 2021 in the 25 to 74 years old are still higher than in 2018-2019. Where is the protection from the Pfizer and Moderna shots and Johnson and Johnson shots with 94%, 96%, and 70% effectiveness? As of Jan 14, 2022, 76% have at least one shot, and 64% have been fully COVID vaccinated in the US.
The 65-74 years old
The 65-74 years old has about the same number of autopsies in 2021 compared to 2018-2019. Comorbidities like diabetes, prior coronary artery disease, and hypertension are common enough to explain any sudden deaths in these age groups, and thus they may not require a post-mortem.
However, the number of deaths in 2020 and 2021 is almost the same. Note that the “No autopsies” are higher in 2020 and 2021 than the pre-pandemic 2018-2019 by more than 100,000. 2020 can be from COVID-19. This 65-74 group was among the first who have COVID shots since December 2020.
Could the 2021 deaths without autopsies be from vaccine-related deaths too? Spike proteins can cause coronary thrombosis and present as heart attacks.
Why did they not have an autopsy? That’s because most of them have comorbidities and their deaths are “explainable.”

75 – 84 and 85+ years old
Both groups had the highest increase in deaths in 2020, and both declined in 2021. It can be that the most vulnerable have expired in 2020. In 2021, the autopsy numbers were back to their 2018-2019 baseline.
The graph below shows the rise in the US population. The total number of deaths and death rate increases every year, as demonstrated by the upward blue and red lines. Death rates have been rising since 2009, and it was 8.69 in 2019. However, it went up to 10.25 in 2020, and for 2021 it is 9.57. 2021 is still above the trend line.

Spike proteins may explain the rise in deaths for 2021
The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes COVID-19, and the spike protein is the part that causes inflammation and clot formation.
- 13 ways that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes damage
- The spike proteins have the same effect in COVID-19 and the jabs
The mRNA (Pzizer and Moderna) and vector-based shots (Johnson and Johnson) contain the instructions to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
The jabs can elicit immune protection, but they wane after months. You probably know someone who had the “vaccinations” that later had COVID-19, and I know several.
In some people, the shots can cause severe reactions and deaths. This article is consistent with other reports:
- CDC data shows higher deaths from 25-54 years old in 2021 compared to 2018-2020
- 145 countries with higher COVID-19 cases and deaths after the COVID shots
- Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
- Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the CDC reports!
- German Analysis: The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality
This article shows the higher number of sudden deaths not caused by readily recognizable diseases that will require autopsies, especially in the younger ages. Their final autopsy reports may not implicate the COVID shots because that immunization records may not be available to the examiner. The most likely findings can be myocarditis, occluded coronary arteries, pulmonary embolism, or intracranial bleeding. These conditions are usually seen in older age groups but happen gradually such that there is time to get medical attention.
No one knows who will have an adverse reaction or die from the COVID shots. It is like Russian roulette.
This study can be improved. Weekly or monthly data can be downloaded from the CDC and be correlated with the vaccine roll outs. Causes of deaths are multifactorial as I mentioned, suicides, violence, drug overdoses have a link to the pandemic and the quarantines and lockdowns.
As such they should all be considered if we are to evaluate the US government’s response to the pandemic or is it time to change course and promote early treatment of COVID-19 at home.
Don’t Get Sick!
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- Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
- Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes and explain why soccer players collapse
- Retinal complications after COVID shots
- The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can form amyloids seen in lung, blood, and nervous system disorders
- UK Study of COVID-19 shots and Excess Rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
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- Donor Blood Can Have Spike Protein Exosomes
- COVID Vaccines are Non-Sterilizing and Can Lead to More Infectious Variants
- Where are the Dialysis Patients?
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome After Covid-19 Vaccination
- Study: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Impaired DNA Repair That Can Lead to Defective Immunity and Cancers
- The High Risk of Deadly Brain Clots in the J & J COVID Vaccine
- Lot Numbers of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccines with the Highest Deaths
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Provisional Multiple Cause of Death on CDC WONDER Online Database released 2021. Data are from the final Multiple Cause of Death Files, 2018-2020, and from provisional data for years 2020-2021, compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed at on Jan 17, 2022, 6:46:36 AM
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