COVID shots cause more arrythmias than other vaccines

This article is about a meta-analysis that compares the incidence of arrhythmias in persons who received the COVID shots and those who received other vaccines. Arrythmias are any irregularity in the heartbeat. They can be fast or slow, benign or deadly. The authors searched the MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Embase databases reporting the incidence…

Paxlovid blunts adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2

This article highlights a new study showing that Nirmatrelvil, the active ingredient in Paxlovid, prevents an adequate adaptive immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In the study, the SARS-CoV-2-infected mice failed to develop antibodies, memory T cells, and B cells specific to SARS-CoV-2 on initial and second exposure to the virus. The K18-hACE2 mice used…

The Paxlovid Rebound Study

Prominent people have been reported to have Covid-19 rebound after Paxlovid use. They are Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. This article features the first prospective study that shows the higher rate of COVID-19 rebound among Paxlovid users. The study was recently released on medRxiv and has not been peer-reviewed.[1] The authors…

Giant Cell Arteritis after COVID-19 and its shots

Giant Cell Arteritis is a condition affecting the large arteries, and it can happen together with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Recently, I posted Polymyalgia Rheumatica: an adverse effect of the COVID jabs. This article is about case reports of  Giant Cell Polyarteritis happening after the COVID “vaccinations.” Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is an inflammation of the inner…

Polymyalgia Rheumatica: an adverse effect of the COVID jabs

The National Health Service defines Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) as a condition that causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the muscles around the shoulders, neck, and hips. Poly means many, and myalgia means muscle pain. Thus, PMR presents as muscle pain in several areas of the body. This article features several case reports of PMR after…

FDA study links Pfizer jab with pulmonary embolism

A study by the US Food and Drug Administration using data from Medicare showed a statistically significant increased risk of pulmonary embolism in the elderly who received Pfizer jabs. This FDA and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services COVID-19 vaccine safety study is one of the largest studies of elderly persons aged 65 years and…

Occupations with the highest risk for COVID-19

A study shows that other occupations other than health care are at the highest risk of getting COVID-19. The study authors are from the Department of Occupational Medicine at Århus University Hospital in Denmark. 2.4 million employees, 20-69 years of age, were evaluated. Men’s OCCUPATIONS with the highest risk for COVID-19 In men, the largest…

Big study confirms Vitamin D deficiency leads to worse COVID-19

A new study from Spain supports the need for adequate Vitamin D levels to prevent severe COVID-19. Vitamin D is usually associated with preventing osteoporosis and increasing bone strength. However, newer studies show vitamin D’s critical role in fighting infections and improving heart muscle contractility and anti-thrombotic effects. More about the role of vitamin D…

COVID jabs increased Risk of Myocarditis Deaths for ALL Ages

A new study showed an increased risk of myocarditis death from COVID shots for all ages. This research from Japan by Watanabe and Hama is the first epidemiological study showing the higher risk of myocarditis death after the SARS-CoV-2 shots in the young, middle-aged (40s), and elderly. Previous studies have reported the increased risk of…

New study strengthens association between Bell’s Palsy and the COVID shots

This article features a study that provides more evidence that Bell’s palsy happens after the COVID jabs.  Bell’s palsy is the weakness of the muscles on one side of the face. The weakness may last for days but can become permanent. At the onset of the COVID shots, many have reported an increased incidence of…

Compression asphyxia and how to survive it

You may have read about what happened yesterday in Itaewon, South Korea.  82 people were injured, 19 seriously, and 151 died when thousands were packed in a sloped and narrow alley. In a CNBC report, Choi Sung-beom, head of the Yongsan Fire Station, said that many victims were women in their 20s. It was the…

Evidences of splicing shows SARS-CoV-2 is man made

The study, Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2, provides evidence that the virus that caused COVID-19 is artificial. In nature, viruses change by getting nucleotide sequences from another virus.  The nucleotide sequences are in different lengths. Some are short, and some are long. In this study, the nucleotide sequences of the SARS-CoV-2 are…

Seven things wrong with the Moderna mRNA-1283 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Phase 1 Trial

Note: I added another reason why this study is flawed. When first published,  it was six. Now there are seven things wrong with the study. This article critically examines the Phase I clinical trial of the Moderna mRNA-1283 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine for Adults. The mRNA-1283 is the new booster shot for COVID-19. It has shown its…

High titers of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in patients who died of COVID-19

A new study revealed high amounts of contagious SARS-CoV-2 viruses in the bodies of patients who died of COVID-19. In some cases, the viruses were still present 13 days after death. The study showed that infectious virus was detected in six of eleven (55%) cases, 4 of 11 (36%) nasopharyngeal swabs, and 9 of 19…

Inflammatory molecules found in Long COVID patients

A new study showed several inflammatory markers in the blood of patients with Long COVID. The inflammation leads to micro clots that are difficult to dissolve naturally. This leads to the extensive formation of clots. I think this will be the exact mechanism in people who develop blood clots after mRNA COVID vaccination since the…

Research on the Omicron spike protein turned into a Gain of Function study

A new study aimed to improve vaccines for the COVID-19 epidemic. The researchers narrowed down the part of the SARS-CoV- 2 that makes it more infectious. However, in doing so, they made a recombinant virus that is more infectious and lethal. The study, Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1…

COVID shots, Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia

The proteins formed in the body have to be appropriately folded to be functional. If misfolded, they become prions, and they are not only defective but can also spread and accumulate to manifest as neurodegenerative diseases. A Lewy body is one type of prion. They are found in Lewy body dementia, the second most common…

Microplastics in breast milk

A new study showed that microplastics are present in human breast milk. Using Raman spectroscopy, particles of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and polypropylene with sizes ranging from 2 to 12 micrometers were found in women’s breast milk. In their abstract, The widespread use of plastics determines the inevitable human exposure to its by-products, including microplastics (MPs),…

A Tribute to the Unvaccinated

I saw an essay about a French general paying tribute to the unvaccinated. At first, I was skeptical about the article. Why would a general write something like that? I did find the original. It was not written by a general but by Fernando López-Mirones. A biologist, university professor, documentarian, and science writer, Fernando criticizes…

Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted?

The Children’s Health Defense Team released an article that contains, The American Red Cross says it will not accept blood from someone whose blood “does not clot normally,” but — following guidance from the same branch of the FDA that oversees vaccines — welcomes immediate donations from anyone who received one of the mRNA or other COVID-19 vaccines available in the…