Cytokine Storms, mRNA changes and COVID shots

This article presents a case series from Japan about four people who died due to cytokine storms after the COVID mRNA shots. I also present the possible reasons for how it happened.

A cytokine storm is when the immune response goes berserk. We see it in the Syndrome of Inflammatory Immune Response Syndrome (SIRS).

SIRS is defined as fulfilling at least two of the following criteria:

  1. Fever >38.0°C (>100.4°F) or hypothermia <36.0°C (<96.8°F)
  2. Rapid heart rate >90 beats/minute
  3. Fast breathing >20 breaths/minute,
  4. High white blood cells (leukocytosis) >12×109/L or
  5. Low White blood cells (leucopenia) <4×109/L

Infection, trauma, surgery, ischemia, and COVID-19 can induce SIRS. 

I was reading News Punch about Japanese officials urging their government to investigate the excess deaths following COVID shots, and it led me to this Tweet.

It got my attention when they mentioned the high temperatures of the bodies they autopsied and the genetic changes they found.

I searched to see if Dr. Masanaka Nagao, the doctor in the video, had published a research paper about it.

Their case report, Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination, was peer-reviewed and published by Frontiers of Immunology in August 2022.[1]

Four people who died at home after receiving the COVID jabs were examined. Three cases received Pfizer (tozinameran) and one Moderna (elasomeran).

The time from receipt of the second dose to death was 110 days. Three of the four cases had fever and headache on the day before death. 

Autopsies did not reveal any information about the cause of death for any patient. Pathologic analysis showed findings of sudden death, such as congestion of primary organs, but no information about the cause of death, including myocarditis.  

Comment: I credit the pathologist for pursuing the answer to the cause of death by going to the next level and doing RNA sequencing. Most pathologists would have given up.

There were two control cases to compare the RNA sequencing analysis. A 54-year-old female died from blood loss and an 86-year-old from strangulation. Both received two doses of the Pfizer shots.

The profiles of the cases and controls are seen below.

Cytokine Storms, mRNA changes and COVID shots
Source: Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report. Front. Immunol. 13:967226. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.967226

Messenger RNA

The cases’ messenger RNAs (mRNA) were sequenced and measured if their levels differed from the controls. mRNA contains instructions for making different proteins.

The proteins they focused on are the cytokines responsible for fighting infection by causing inflammation.


Three hundred and ninety genes were found to be upregulated and 115 genes were downregulated in post-vaccination cases compared with controls.
Importantly, genes involved in neutrophil degranulation and cytokine signaling were upregulated.
Their findings explained why the bodies of those “vaccinated” who died with SIRS have a high temperature. Neutrophil degranulation is when the white blood cells unload their infection-fighting contents into the blood.
Those neutrophil contents and increased cytokine signaling were responsible for the inappropriate massive immune response against nothing. There were no infections.
The image below shows the increased (upregulated) genes among the four cases which suddenly died after the shots.
Cytokine Storms, mRNA changes and COVID shots
Source: Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report. Front. Immunol. 13:967226. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.967226

The figure below compares the upregulated (yellow) and downregulated (blue) genes among the cases and controls. Notice that there are a lot of upregulated genes in the cases.

Cytokine Storms, mRNA changes and COVID shots
Source: Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report. Front. Immunol. 13:967226. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.967226
Comment: Control 1, who died from massive blood loss, has a lot of downregulated genes! I wonder if her blood loss is due to the shots too.
In the four victims, it is assumed that the first vaccination sensitized the immune function and that the second vaccination made the patients more susceptible to developing SIRS. The authors conclude,
These results provide evidence of a hyperactive immune response in the group with unknown cause of death.
Our results suggest that immune dysregulation occurred following vaccination.

What caused the upregulation and downregulation of the genes?

 A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Zhang et al. was discussed in SARS-CoV-2 RNA Reverse Transcribed to Human DNA.

The paper showed that the mRNA present in the SARS-CoV-2 could be changed (reverse-transcribed) to DNA and be part of the human genes.[2] It is possible that the mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna shots could also do this.

Ideally, the whole spike protein is made in the body from mRNA shots, but the mRNA is broken into shorter lengths in the real world.

Those bits of mRNA, once reverse-transcribed to DNA, could be inserted in any part of the human gene and mess up the instructions for making cytokines.

Garbage in, garbage out

The instructions to make protein come from the DNA. But the DNA has to be transcribed to an mRNA first and then translated into protein afterward.

If the DNA is corrupted with genetic insertions from the mRNA shots, then mRNA produced from the DNA will also be abnormal.

Extracellular mRNA in the nucleus

Another possible explanation for the dysregulated gene production is the presence of spike protein mRNA inside the nucleus.

A study by Sattar et al. found that the mRNA from the COVID shots can be found in the nucleus of the recipient’s cells. I discussed that in – SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and mRNA can get inside the human nucleus.

Foreign mRNA inside the nucleus does not have to become a DNA to produce any biological effect.

Tomita et al. showed that extrinsic mRNA could exert functions like upregulating antiapoptotic gene expression, migration activity, and interferon-γ production without getting translated into DNA.[3]

It is within the realm of possibility that upregulation of specific genes could also happen if COVID mRNA is within a vaccinees nucleus.

Any other effects?

Back to the moment when I was watching the Twitter video,  I literally straightened up from my relaxed position when I heard about the gene changes and the resulting cytokine storm.

That is the first documentation of the gene changes after the COVID mRNA jabs. And opens the possibility that other side effects of the COVID shots could be from genetic alterations.

More mRNA sequencing studies should be made on those who had adverse effects.

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  1. Aortic Dissection after the Pfizer injection
  2. New and Alarming Autopsy Findings after the COVID shots
  3. Brain Aneurysm Rupture within Three days of the Pfizer shots
  4. SARS-CoV-2 RNA Reverse Transcribed to Human DNA
  5. Autoimmune conditions after COVID-19 and its injections
  6. Long COVID Brain Fog and Muscle Pain result from SARS-CoV-2 Persistence in the Nose and Saliva
  7. Children with Post Vaccine Myocarditis have Spike Proteins in their Blood
  8. The FAA has allowed pilots with First Degree Heart Blocks to Fly
  9. Polymyalgia Rheumatica: an adverse effect of the COVID jabs
  10. Giant Cell Arteritis after COVID-19 and its shots
  11. CDC & FDA: Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Strokes for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older
  12. Strokes Associated with COVID-19 vaccines
  13. Myocarditis is more common than Commotio Cardis
  14. More than 50% of vaccinated athletes with Myocarditis
  15. COVID jabs increased Risk of Myocarditis Deaths for ALL Ages
  16. Multiple areas of brain necrosis and myocarditis after the COVID-19 vaccine
  17. Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19
  18. Thai study shows a whopping 1,660 myocarditis cases per 100K COVID injections
  19. Autopsy of a soldier who died of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID vaccination
  20. A professional athlete who died of fulminant myocarditis after the Moderna jab
  1. Murata K, Nakao N, Ishiuchi N, Fukui T, Katsuya N, Fukumoto W, Oka H, Yoshikawa N, Nagao T, Namera A, Kakimoto N, Oue N, Awai K, Yoshimoto K and Nagao M (2022) Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report. Front. Immunol. 13:967226. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.967226
  2. Zhang L, Richards A, Barrasa MI, Hughes SH, Young RA, Jaenisch R. Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2021 May 25;118(21):e2105968118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2105968118. PMID: 33958444; PMCID: PMC8166107.
  3. Sattar et al. Nuclear translocation of spike mRNA and protein is a novel feature of SARS-CoV-2. Front. Microbiol., 26 January 2023. Volume 14 – 2023 |

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