Intermittent Fasting Can Regrow Beta Cells—But Only If Done Right!

This article discusses how intermittent fasting can renew the beta cells that produce insulin. More insulin helps people with prediabetes and diabetes to lower their blood sugar. These include improving insulin sensitivity and regenerating beta cells in the pancreas. Introduction Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained attention for several reasons. It is known for weight loss and boasts powerful metabolic effects….

Fasting to Lower Night Shift Heart Attack Risk

This article discusses a study on mice showing that time-restricted feeding restores the disrupted circadian rhythm of insulin secretion among shift workers.[1] Insulin secretion not only depends on the presence of food but also on the time of day. It is part of the circadian rhythm that all organisms follow. Circadian Rhythm Circadian rhythms are…

Intermittent fasting Reverses Endothelial Dysfunction

This article presents three studies showing intermittent fasting could improve endothelial function. The endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessels, and the cells in it do a full-time job of keeping it smooth, distensible, and open to maintain adequate organ perfusion, and lower blood pressure, resulting in less work for the heart. The…

Fasting Improves Diabetic Kidney Disease

This article discusses the two studies that showed the improvement of kidney functions in those with diabetes who fasted. An estimated 37 million Americans have Chronic kidney disease (CKD)—more than 1 in 7 U.S. adults. Kidney disease is present in about 1 in 3 people with diabetes and 1 in 5 people with high blood…

Dietary changes to remove the Warburg Effect and prevent cancer

Yesterday, I published The Carcinogenic Effects of the SARS-CoV-2. I discussed the papers that showed how the SARS-CoV-2 virus could cause cancer. The COVID-19 virus can cause changes in the infected cell’s machinery to use the glycolytic pathway and produce the Warburg effect. The Warburg effect is when cancer cells consume sugar (glucose) for energy. One…

Linoleic acid from intermittent fasting may prevent COVID-19

This article features a study that shows how linoleic acid from intermittent fasting can reduce the chances of getting COVID-19. Background The SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 attaches to human cells using its spike proteins. After attachment, the viruses enter the cells and start replicating. The SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins can be in the open…

Temperature and water intake affects time to ketosis

This article is about a decades-old study that found that adequate hydration and cooler temperatures produce greater ketosis. The topic here is different from dehydration after ketosis happens. The Courtice-Douglas Effect The featured study is The modification of post-exercise ketosis (the Courtice-Douglas effect) by environmental temperature and water balance.[1] The Courtice-Douglas effect is the production…

Will Fasting Make My Muscles Shrink?

This article was first released on March 13, 2019. It is republished with new information. One concern with intermittent fasting is lean muscle may shrink. This article presents two studies that showed that lean mass or muscles are preserved with intermittent fasting. The first study showed that after eight weeks of alternate-day fasting, the muscles…

How to prepare for the inevitable COVID-19 reinfection

No. I’m not scaremongering. There is a high likelihood that the Omicron variant will reinfect many. According to Scientific American, the BA.4 and BA.5 accounted for about 70 percent of new COVID cases in the U.S. as of July 2. Yahoo Finance interviewed Emergency Medicine Attending Physician Dr. Calvin Sun. He said, BA.5 is the…

Lower risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and deaths with Intermittent Fasting

Research from the Intermountain Heart Institute in Salt Lake, Utah, showed that subjects who fasted once a month consistently for an average of 40 years had a lower risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality at 11% compared to 28.8% of non-fasters.[1] Intermittent fasting decreases COVID-19 risks in all ages regardless of race or ethnicity, cardiac…

Intermittent fasting for Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome: Autophagy

Post-COVID vaccine syndrome is a constellation of adverse events after the COVID-19 vaccination. These adverse events commonly include myocarditis, strokes, and sudden deaths. The underlying causes are clot formation, autoimmunity, and exuberant inflammation due to the toxic spike protein made by the body after getting the mRNA shots (Pfizer and Moderna).  In this article, I…

Intermittent Fasting: Now more than ever

I have talked about the benefits of intermittent fasting and the resulting reversal of cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, and hypertriglyceridemia. The past several months have shown unrelenting food price increases. This resulted from the war in Ukraine, the hyperinflationary policies of the US Federal Reserve, the culling of millions of poultry due to…

Intermittent fasting results in better COVID-19 outcomes

July 10, 2022 update. This paper is now peer-reviewed and published in the BMJ Prevention and Health. A new study showed that regular fasting people have better COVID-19 outcomes. The study was made in Utah by the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute. Mormons comprise 62% of the residents in Utah, and they observe fasting. Beliefnet…

Intermittent Fasting while on Diabetes Medications

This post was initially released on October 25, 2020. It has been updated. Intermittent fasting has many benefits for diabetics. It reduces blood sugar, lowers weight, triglycerides, and total cholesterol, and decreases medication need. However, people with Type 2 diabetes or adult-onset diabetes who would like to practice intermittent fasting should avoid complications. Possible Complications…

Yogurt and Intermittent Fasting Reduced Body Toxins

Daily life exposes us to toxins. As they accumulate, they eventually exert detrimental effects on the body. These poisons are everywhere. Phthalates are in plastic bottles. 2-hydroxybutyric acid or 2HIB are in gasoline additives that end as air pollution. In time, these toxins accumulate in the body fat.  Intermittent fasting reduces body fat. However, as…

Intermittent Fasting Grows New Liver Cells Faster

A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine presented for the first time that intermittent fasting can grow hepatocytes or new liver cells. bioRxiv released it on October 16, 2021, as a preprint. The research was able to determine the mechanism of how new liver cells form with intermittent fasting.  Mice were used…

3 Reasons Why Your Blood Pressure is High and What to Do About Them

Hypertension is a common problem and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure also destroys other organs like the kidneys. And lead to kidney failure. There are many reasons why blood pressure rises. Here are the most common. 1. High insulin levels Insulin levels go up with meals, especially with sweets and…

Intermittent Fasting vs. Sulfonylureas: Heart Attack Outcomes

This article is Round 3 of Intermittent Fasting (I.F.) vs. Sulfonylureas Recap: Round 1 went to I.F. because it protects and renews the cells that produce insulin. Sulfonylureas try to squeeze insulin out of burned out insulin cells. Round 2 also went to I.F. as it resolves the hidden high insulin levels of type 2…

Intermittent Fasting and Heart Attacks

What Happens In a Heart Attack? In a heart attack, a blockage forms in the blood vessels supplying the heart.  Heart muscles die if deprived of blood supply. In the emergency room, priority is given to heart attack patients. Blood flow should be restored right away. One way is with an injectable “clot-buster” drug to…