The High Risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusions after the COVID jab

This article presents a study showing the high risk of being blind from blood vessel blockage of the eyes after the COVID mRNA shot.

The peer-reviewed study published in Nature this month looked at the risk of developing blood clots in the blood vessels that supply the retina of the eyes.

The retina is the part of the eye that converts light to electrical signals and sends them to the brain. If the retina is damaged, a person can get blind irreversibly.

The study aimed to show if retinal occlusion from a blood clot is merely a “coincidence” or if the risk is real.

The retinal blood vessels include the arteries and the veins. Branches of the ophthalmic artery supply blood brings blood, and the retinal veins carry blood out of the retina.

The retina constantly needs blood to supply nutrients and oxygen to its cells. No oxygen, no function.

That blood has to be drained by the retinal veins; if blocked, blood can back up, leak out of the veins to cause a hemorrhage, and obscure the vision.

The High Risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusions after the COVID jab

Source: By NIH National Eye Institute – [1], Public Domain, study used de-identified patient data from the TriNetX Global Network from all over the world.

All individuals who developed retinal vascular occlusion from the start of COVID vaccination from January 2020 to December 2022 were included.

Exclusion criteria

Factors that can make the results hard to interpret were excluded. They include subjects who developed retinal vascular occlusion six months before the earliest date of COVID-19 vaccination were not included. That’s because they are more likely to form blood clots on their own.

To minimize the effect of medications that could confound the results, people taking the following medicines that can decrease or increase the risk of blood clotting were excluded.

  • Antiplatelets like aspirin
  • Anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin, direct oral anticoagulants)
  • Fibrinolytics
  • Diuretics
  • Birth Contraceptives
  • Antihemorrhagics

Matched study and control groups

The COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated people are matched in terms of gender, age, race, comorbidities, and medications to remove the effects of these variables on the results.

In the end, they matched 739,066 vaccinated cohorts to the unvaccinated group at a ratio of 1:1.


Individuals with COVID-19 vaccination had a higher risk of all forms of retinal vascular occlusion in two years after vaccination, with an overall hazard ratio of 2.19 (95% confidence interval 2.00–2.39).

A hazard ratio of 2.19 means that those with COVID vaccination have a 219% higher risk of developing retinal vascular occlusion than the unvaccinated.

You can also interpret it as the risk of retinal vascular occlusion in the vaccinated is 2.19 times higher than in the unvaccinated.

They also found that the clotting in the retinal blood vessels is high until 27 months after the COVID injections.

The cumulative incidence of retinal vascular occlusion was significantly higher in the vaccinated cohort compared to the unvaccinated cohort, 2 years and 12 weeks after vaccination.

The highest risk is from the first two weeks after the COVID jabs and persists for 12 weeks. 

The risk of retinal vascular occlusion significantly increased during the first 2 weeks after vaccination and persisted for 12 weeks.

All subtypes of retinal vascular occlusion have a significantly higher risk of developing vascular occlusion following COVID “vaccination.”

The subtypes of retinal vascular occlusions are

  1. Branched Retinal Artery Occlusion
  2. Branched Retinal Vein Occlusion
  3. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
  4. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

Pfizer and Moderna have the highest risk

The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots have the most retinal vascular occlusions.

The risk of retinal vascular occlusion increased significantly after the first and second doses of the Pfizer BNT162b2 or the Moderna mRNA-1273 in a 2-year period.

There was also a higher risk of retinal vascular occlusion with the Johnson and Johnson Ad26.COV2.S shot, although it was not statistically significant.

All COVID shots increase the risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusion

Twelve weeks after vaccination of all brands of vaccines, the risk of retinal vascular occlusion increased but not significantly.

Study conclusion

The study authors summarize the result as follows:

Retinal vascular occlusion may not be a coincidental finding after COVID-19 vaccination.


This study shows that the risk of blood clot formation is as high as 219% among the COVID-19 vaccinated. But why do we not see its effects on other organs?

Why is the risk of retinal vascular collusion after COVID “vaccination” so high? There are three reasons.

First, the retinal arteries are very small, even tinier than the coronary arteries of the heart. It only takes a minute clot to block blood flow, making the retina lose function.

Second is the absence of collateral blood supply in the retina. Other parts of the body, like the intestines and the hands, can handle an arterial obstruction better because of the interconnections of the arteries. If one artery is clogged, the other takes over.

Third is that loss of vision is most distressing and disabling to anyone. Add to the fact that it is a rare occurrence. Anyone can explain away why they have a cough or abdominal pain and not seek a medical consult immediately.

With vision loss, a physician’s attention is sought right away.

There are other eye complications after the COVID shots. – Retinal complications after COVID shots

This study shows that blood clot formation after the COVID shots are consistent with other findings. I wrote about them at:

  1. Four ways the spike protein rapidly forms blood clots resistant to breakdown
  2. Two More Ways the Spike Proteins Produce Abnormal Blood Clots
  3. RNA splice study shows why AstraZeneca andJanssen’sn jabs are clot shots
  4. RNA splice study shows why AstraZeneca andJanssen’sn jabs are clot shots
  5. Blood Vessel Damaging Proteins of the SARS-CoV-2
  6. Cerebral Thrombosis after the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine
  7. The High Risk of Deadly Brain Clots in the J & J COVID Vaccine
  8. This study shows a Ten-Fold Risk of Developing Blood Clots after the COVID Vaccines.
  9. Platelet Changes Cause Blood Clots in COVID-19
  10. Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots

Are you concerned about a clot?

I don’t give medical advice here, but if I’m vaccinated, I will consider taking an over-the-counter supplement like nattokinase that prevents clots. It is available on Amazon. I like Best Naturals because they say it is third-party tested. (Affiliate link is active. If you buy it, I get a few cents in commission).

I wrote several studies showing the many beneficial effects of nattokinase.

  1. Parkinsonism resolved by Nattokinase
  2. Nattokinase Degrades Amyloids and Prions
  3. Natto: An application of the 80-20 Rule
  4. Prostate and Vascular problems relieved with Nattokinase
  5. Should you take nattokinase on an empty stomach?
  6. How to stop bleeding if on nattokinase
  7. Natto: An application of the 80-20 Rule
  8. How I Made and Appreciated Natto
  9. Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis and the Nattokinase Solution
  10. Protective Effects of Nattokinase Against Strokes
  11. How to dose Nattokinase, Bromelain, and NAC
  12. High-Dose Nattokinase to Shrink Atherosclerosis and Lower Blood Lipids
  13. Nattokinase is Nontoxic with a High Safety Margin
  14. The Outstanding Vascular Effects and Dose of Nattokinase
  15. Another Study shows Nattokinase can Destroy the S1 Spike Protein
  16. Nattokinase Degrades the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

Talk to your physicians before starting any supplements.

Take away message

If you know someone still considering a booster when the World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 pandemic over, inform them about the risk of possible blindness and stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Hopefully, they will see the light.

Truth heals. Lies kill. Don’t Get Sick!

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  1. Li, JX., Wang, YH., Bair, H., et al. Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccinationnpj Vaccines 8, 64 (2023).

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