Stay Informed: The Ultimate Guide To COVID-19 Updates

This page contains nearly all I have written about the rapidly spreading COVID-19. My undergraduate studies in public health and clinical experience in emergency medicine and internal medicine have given me the tools to understand the significance of the pandemic for each patient and the global community. All the articles have references from medical journals. I hope you benefit.

Pandemic Solutions and Strategies

  1. Pandemic Lessons and Solutions
  2. Genetic changes by the mRNA shots can be passed to future generations
  3. Turbo Cancers after the COVID shots
  4. New and Alarming Autopsy Findings after the COVID shots
  5. SAR-CoV-2 embedded in human cells, IgG4, Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer
  6. Study Explains Why Some People Have No Adverse Events and Why Some Die after the COVID Shots
  7. Evidence of Intent to Harm

Potential Spike Protein Solutions

  1. Getting Rid of Spike Proteins
  2. How to dose Nattokinase, Bromelain and NAC
  3. Bromelain and Acetylcysteine Combined Destroy SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
  4. Nattokinase Degrades the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
  5. Another Study shows Nattokinase can Destroy the S1 Spike Protein
  6. Intermittent fasting results in new and stress-resistant blood cells
  7. Intermittent fasting for Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome: Autophagy
  8. The I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol
  9. The I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome
  10. Over The Counter Ivermectin

COVID-19 Vaccines and Adverse Reactions

  1. 5 Hidden Risks Of MRNA Vaccines: What You Need To Know Now!
  2. Nanocarrier Imaging Breakthrough Sheds Light On Myocarditis Cases After Vaccination
  3. Vaccines, COVID-19, And Alzheimer’s: The Startling Truth You Must Know!
  4. Shocking Truth: Is COVID-19’s Spike Protein Haunting Your Brain?
  5. Startling Outbreak: 26 CJD Cases Linked To COVID-19 Jab
  6. Study Explains Why Some People Have No Adverse Events and Why Some Die after the COVID Shots
  7. mRNA COVID-19 Booster Shots Increase the Immunotolerant IgG4
  8. DNA Contamination of Pfizer mRNA Shots
  9. Increased risk of Stroke with Same Time Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination
  10. SAR-CoV-2 embedded in human cells, IgG4, Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer
  11. Study: Those Up-to-Date with the Shots Get More COVID-19
  12. The Devastating Effects of IgG4 after the mRNA COVID Shots
  13. Study Proves that COVID mRNA Shots Increase Cardiovascular Mortality
  14. The Risk of Alzheimer’s Dementia after COVID-19
  15. The High Risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusions after the COVID jab
  16. Vasospastic Angina after Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Shots
  17. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and COVID-19 in a Man
  18. Multiple Sclerosis after the COVID shots
  19. Cytokine Storms, mRNA changes and COVID shots
  20. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and mRNA can get inside the human nucleus
  21. Aortic Dissection after the Pfizer injection
  22. New and Alarming Autopsy Findings after the COVID shots
  23. Brain Aneurysm Rupture within Three days of the Pfizer shots
  24. SARS-CoV-2 RNA Reverse Transcribed to Human DNA
  25. Autoimmune conditions after COVID-19 and its injections
  26. Long COVID Brain Fog and Muscle Pain result from SARS-CoV-2 Persistence in the Nose and Saliva
  27. Children with Post Vaccine Myocarditis have Spike Proteins in their Blood
  28. The FAA has allowed pilots with First Degree Heart Blocks to Fly
  29. Polymyalgia Rheumatica: an adverse effect of the COVID jabs
  30. Giant Cell Arteritis after COVID-19 and its shots
  31. CDC & FDA: Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Strokes for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older
  32. Strokes Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
  33. Myocarditis is more common than Commotio Cardis
  34. More than 50% of vaccinated athletes with Myocarditis
  35. COVID jabs increased Risk of Myocarditis Deaths for ALL Ages
  36. Multiple areas of brain necrosis and myocarditis after the COVID-19 vaccine
  37. Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19
  38. Thai study shows a whopping 1,660 myocarditis cases per 100K COVID injections
  39. Autopsy of a soldier who died of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID vaccination
  40. A professional athlete who died of fulminant myocarditis after the Moderna jab
  41. Myocarditis by age, sex, and COVID shot
  42. Circulation: Myocarditis related to COVID-19 shots in teenagers and young adults
  43. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  44. Children with Post Vaccine Myocarditis have Spike Proteins in their Blood
  45. All COVID shot increases the Risk of Sudden Death in those with SCNA5 Gene Variant
  46. The FAA has allowed pilots with First Degree Heart Blocks to Fly
  47. CDC & FDA: Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Strokes for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older
  48. Japanese TV: Spike Proteins from Pfizer COVID shot found in the Skin
  49. Influenza Cases at Two Decades High and Why
  50. Spike Proteins found in Shingles Lesions that Lasted for Three Months after Pfizer shot
  51. Myocarditis in the Autopsies of Five that “Suddenly Died”
  52. Sky High Blood Sugars After the COVID Shots
  53. COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old
  54. Pfizer and Moderna shots increase all-cause mortality: Denmark study
  55. The many problems of the Ivermectin study in the NEJM
  56. UK Study of COVID-19 Shots and Excess Rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  57. Pfizer BNT162b2 adverse events as of February 28, 2021
  58. Tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo after COVID vaccines
  59. The Moderna patented genetic sequence in SARS-CoV-2 makes it more infectious
  60. The Complete List of the Pfizer Adverse Events of Special Interest
  61. Pfizer COVID shot makes human liver cells produce SARS-CoV-2 spike DNA
  62. Risk-benefit analysis shows a higher risk of COVID-19 death than COVID-19 disease for those under 80 years old
  63. Stanford study shows spike proteins in the blood for two days and lymph nodes for sixty days post-COVID vaccination
  64. Rapid Progression of a Lymphoma following Pfizer booster shot
  65. 13 ways that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes damage
  66. SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins detected in the plasma following Moderna shots
  67. Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
  68. Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes
  69. Retinal complications after COVID shots
  70. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can form amyloids seen in lung, blood, and nervous system disorders
  71. UK Study of COVID-19 Shots and Excess Rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  72. mRNA Vaccination Increases the Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome
  73. German Analysis: The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality
  74. Anti-idiotype antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain Myocarditis
  75. Donor Blood Can Have Spike Protein Exosomes
  76. COVID Vaccines are Non-Sterilizing and Can Lead to More Infectious Variants
  77. Where are the Dialysis Patients?
  78. The A.30 SARS-CoV-2 Variants Can Evade Vaccine-Induced Antibodies
  79. Is Luc Montagnier Correct About the Variants Showing Up After Mass Vaccination?
  80. Guillain-Barre Syndrome After Covid-19 Vaccination
  81. Study: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Impaired DNA Repair That Can Lead to Defective Immunity and Cancers
  82. Comparison of Adverse Reactions of Seven Types of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Philippines
  83. The High Risk of Deadly Brain Clots in the J & J COVID Vaccine
  84. Lot Numbers of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccines with the Highest Deaths
  85. Adverse Reactions to Pfizer Biontech Vaccine for the 5-11 Years Old
  86. Kounis syndrome can explain vaccine-related heart attacks
  87. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  88. Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots
  89. What Happens to Patients, Doctors, and Big Pharma in Adverse Drug Reactions?
  90. CDC Report Shows 25% Mortality in Breakthrough Cases
  91. UK Data shows more COVID-19 ER visits and Deaths Among the Vaccinated
  92. Shingles after COVID-19 Vaccination
  93. The Durability Study of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is Strange and Unusual
  94. Durable Immunity from Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lasts only Six Months
  95. Can Breathing Spread the Spike Protein?
  96. Know the Signs of Vaccine-Induced Blood Clotting
  97. Molecular mimicry between the spike protein and humans can shut down platelet production
  98. Platelet Changes Cause Blood Clots in COVID-19
  99. The spread of the Delta variant among vaccinated Health Care Workers in Vietnam
  100. Study: Most antibodies produced by mRNA vaccines are non-neutralizing
  101. Who develops a better Immunity against SARS-CoV-2? The vaccinated or the previously infected?
  102. The OpenVAERS – website for COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions
  103. Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke from SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Cell Signaling
  104. This 42-day study prompted FDA to approve Moderna booster shots for immune-compromised
  105. Should we be afraid of the delta variant?
  106. Concerning autopsy findings on a patient who had a COVID shot
  107. The Whole English translation of the Spanish study showing 99% Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
  108. Absolute Risk Reduction of the COVID-19 Vaccines. Part 2.
  109. Know the Absolute Risk Reduction of the COVID-19 Vaccines!
  110. The Spike Protein of the SARS-CoV-2 Can Cause Vascular Damage
  111. Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine
  112. Polymerase Theta can Change RNA to DNA
  113. SARS-CoV-2 RNA can Change Human Genes
  114. Study shows a tenfold risk of developing blood clots after the COVID vaccine.
  115. You got the COVID shot and found that others developed blood clots; now what?
  116. Blood Clot formation after COVID Vaccination
  117. Deadly Autoimmune Antibodies
  118. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 3
  119. The Long COVID-19 Syndrome and What to Do About It
  120. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 2
  121. Molecular Mimicry between the SARS-CoV-2 and the Breathing Center
  122. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 1

Natural Immunity

  1. Lancet: Natural immunity is effective against COVID-19
  2. Boosting Interferon and COVID-19 Immunity with Ketogenesis
  3. Natural immunity beats the Pfizer and Moderna shots
  4. CDC data shows an equal risk of COVID-19 hospitalization for convalescent and vax induced immunity
  5. Natural immunity vs. Pfizer BNT162b2 vs. Coronavac
  6. T cells from previous infections and shots are protective against the Omicron variant
  7. People who recovered from COVID-19 have effective T-cells against the omicron
  8. Computer model: Natural antibodies still effective on the omicron variant
  9. Ten Studies showing a low risk of COVID-19 reinfection among unvaccinated
  10. High Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among the Unvaccinated in Bangui, Central African Republic
  11. Protective Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 are the same in Convalescent and Vaccinated
  12. Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic COVID-19 elicits effective and long-lasting antibody responses in children and adolescents
  13. Can coronaviruses elicit long-lasting immunity?
  14. 60% may already have Immunity to COVID-19
  15. Pre-Existing T-Cells Stop COVID-19 Before it Starts
  16. Harvard: Immunity from mild COVID-19 infection much better than vaccination
  17. Natural Immunity Protected Tanzania and Zambia from COVID-19
  18. CD4+ Cross-Reactivity between Seasonal Coronavirus Colds and COVID-19
  19. Antibodies to COVID-19 can Exist in the Uninfected

Neurological Complications

  1. The Risk of Alzheimer’s Dementia after COVID-19
  2. COVID shots, Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia
  3. The Projected Rise in Global Dementia
  4. Shocking Truth: Is COVID-19’s Spike Protein Haunting Your Brain?

Cardiac and Clot Complications

  1. Four ways the spike protein rapidly forms blood clots resistant to break down
  2. Two More Ways the Spike Proteins Produce Abnormal Blood Clots
  3. RNA splice study shows why AstraZeneca and Janssen jabs are clot shots
  4. COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old
  5. Kaiser Permanente study shows myopericarditis is 43 times higher than VAERS reports
  6. Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
  7. Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes 
  8. Kounis syndrome can explain vaccine-related heart attacks
  9. Circulation: Myocarditis related to COVID-19 shots in teenagers and young adults
  10. Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain Myocarditis
  11. mRNA Vaccination Increases the Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome
  12. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  13. Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine
  14. This study shows Ten Fold risk of Developing Blood Clots after the COVID Vaccines.
  15. Platelet Changes Cause Blood Clots in COVID-19
  16. The High Risk of Deadly Brain Clots in the J & J COVID Vaccine


  1. The FAA has allowed pilots with First Degree Heart Blocks to Fly
  2. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  3. Did Lisa Marie Presley had a Complete Heart Block?
  4. Children with Post Vaccine Myocarditis have Spike Proteins in their Blood
  5. Myocarditis is more common than Commotio Cardis
  6. Myocarditis in the Autopsies of Five that “Suddenly Died”
  7. More than 50% of vaccinated athletes with Myocarditis
  8. COVID jabs increased Risk of Myocarditis Deaths for ALL Ages
  9. Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19
  10. Thai study shows a whopping 1,660 myocarditis cases per 100K COVID injections
  11. Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19
  12. Autopsy of a soldier who died of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID vaccination
  13. A professional athlete who died of fulminant myocarditis after the Moderna jab
  14. Myocarditis by age, sex and COVID shot
  15. COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old
  16. Kaiser Permanente study shows myopericarditis is 43 times higher than VAERS reports.
  17. Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
  18. Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes 
  19. Circulation: Myocarditis related to COVID-19 shots in teenagers and young adults
  20. Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain Myocarditis
  21. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  22. Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine

Moderna articles

  1. Seven things wrong with the Moderna mRNA-1283 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Phase 1 Trial
  2. A professional athlete who died of fulminant myocarditis after the Moderna jab
  3. Moderna COVID-19 shot Lot numbers with the most deaths: Medalerts
  4. Pfizer and Moderna shots increase all cause mortality: Denmark study
  5. The Moderna patented genetic sequence in SARS-CoV-2 makes it more infectious
  6. Moderna’s study shows the ineffectiveness of their shots against the Omicron and why they recommend a booster
  7. SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins detected in the plasma following Moderna shots
  8. The Pfizer and Moderna booster shots are about 50% effective
  9. The Durability Study of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is Strange and Unusual
  10. Lot Numbers of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccines with the Highest Deaths
  11. This 42-day study prompted FDA to approve Moderna booster shots for immune-compromised
  12. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  13. Study: Most antibodies produced by mRNA vaccines are Non-neutralizing
  14. Doctor reveals how to minimize mRNA vaccine side effects

Pfizer related articles

  1. Paxlovid blunts adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2
  2. The Paxlovid Rebound Study
  3. 24 Questions asked to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla by Rebel News
  4. Japanese TV: Spike Proteins from Pfizer COVID shot found in the Skin
  5. Pfizer mRNA shots Switch Antibodies to Non-Neutralizing IgG4
  6. Spike Proteins found in Shingles Lesions that Lasted for Three Months after Pfizer shot
  7. Natural immunity beats the Pfizer and Moderna shots
  8. FDA study links Pfizer jab with pulmonary embolism
  9. Cardiovascular effects found in 29.24% teenagers given the Pfizer shot.
  10. Autopsy of a soldier who died of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID vaccination
  11. Complete Heart Block after the Pfizer COVID shot
  12. Pfizer shot lowers semen concentration and impairs sperm cells for months
  13. Dr. Clare Craig exposes the twisted Pfizer COVID trial for babies and young children
  14. Questions about the COVID-19 Pfizer “vaccine” trial for babies and toddlers
  15. The FDA approved Pfizer COVID-19 shots for babies and toddlers, and that is wrong!
  16. Pfizer COVID shot Lot Numbers with the most deaths
  17. Pfizer and Moderna shots increase all cause mortality: Denmark study
  18. The Complete List of the Pfizer Adverse Events of Special Interest
  19. Pfizer COVID shot makes human liver cells produce SARS-CoV-2 spike DNA
  20. Rapid Progression of a Lymphoma following Pfizer booster shot
  21. Study shows absence of omicron neutralization with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots
  22. Study: Pfizer COVID shots are good for 90 days only. Booster shots every 3 months
  23. Pfizer COVID shot Lot Numbers with the most deaths
  24. Adverse Reactions to Pfizer Biontech Vaccine for the 5-11 Years Old
  25. The Absolute Risk Reduction of the Pfizer Biontech Booster Shot
  26. COVID-19 recovered immunity vs. Pfizer BNT162b2 vs. Coronavac
  27. Durable Immunity from Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lasts only Six Months
  28. Who develops a better Immunity against SARS-CoV-2? The vaccinated or the previously infected?
  29. CDC reports on the Danger of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to adolescents aged 12-17 years
  30. The FDA fully approved the Comirnaty and not the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine. Big difference
  31. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  32. Study: Most antibodies produced by mRNA vaccines are Non-neutralizing
  33. Doctor reveals how to minimize mRNA vaccine side effects

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

  1. Five Mechanisms of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
  2. What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and why should you care.
  3. Antibody-dependent enhancement can happen to Delta Variant COVID-19
  4. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement in Breastfed Infants
  5. Antibodies to the Flu and COVID-19 Cross-React

Clot-related vaccine injuries

  1. Retinal complications after COVID shots
  2. RNA splice study shows why AstraZeneca and Janssen jabs are clot shots
  3. Blood Vessel Damaging Proteins of the SARS-CoV-2
  4. Cerebral Thrombosis after the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine
  5. The High Risk of Deadly Brain Clots in the J & J COVID Vaccine
  6. This study shows a Ten-Fold Risk of Developing Blood Clots after the COVID Vaccines.
  7. You got the COVID shot and found that others developed blood clots. Now what?
  8. Platelet Changes Cause Blood Clots in COVID-19
  9. Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots


  1. Another Study Confirms the Rise of IgG4 after the mRNA shots
  2. mRNA COVID-19 Booster Shots Increase the Immunotolerant IgG4
  3. SAR-CoV-2 embedded in human cells, IgG4, Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer
  4. The Devastating Effects of IgG4 after the mRNA COVID shots
  5. IgG4 is not increased in Long COVID Syndrome
  6. Moderna and Pfizer COVID jabs Increase Anti-inflammatory IgG4
  7. Three Studies Link High IgG4 to Severe COVID-19
  8. Pfizer mRNA shots Switch Antibodies to Non-Neutralizing IgG4

COVID-19 Immunity and Antibodies

  1. Natural immunity beats the Pfizer and Moderna shots
  2. Natural immunity vs. Pfizer BNT162b2 vs. Coronavac
  3. Naturally acquired antibodies from COVID-19 last up to 20 months
  4. Ultrapotent antibodies from natural infection against diverse and highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants
  5. COVID-19 recovered immunity vs. Pfizer BNT162b2 vs. Coronavac
  6. The COVID-19 reinfection risk at 18 months is low at 0.32%
  7. Naturally acquired antibodies from COVID-19 last up to 20 months
  8. T cells from prior coronavirus protect and nucleocapsid directed COVID-19 shots may work better
  9. T cells from previous infections and shots are protective against the Omicron variant
  10. Omicron infections elicit neutralizing antibodies against variants of concern
  11. High Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among the Unvaccinated in Bangui, Central African Republic
  12. COVID Vaccines are Non-Sterilizing and Can Lead to More Infectious Variants
  13. Study Shows Decreased Antibody Response to Breakthrough Infections
  14. Pre-Existing T-Cells Stop COVID-19 Before it Starts
  15. Study shows Anti-Spike Protein Antibodies Do Not Cross React with Syncytin-1
  16. Breakthrough Cases Spread COVID-19 as Easily as the Unvaccinated
  17. Harvard: Immunity from mild COVID-19 infection much better than vaccination
  18. Antibodies to the Flu and COVID-19 Cross-React
  19. Natural Immunity Protected Tanzania and Zambia from COVID-19
  20. Antibody-dependent enhancement can happen to Delta Variant COVID-19
  21. Bayes Theorem Confirms Meta-analysis of Ivermectin’s Effectivity against COVID-19
  22. Know the Signs of Vaccine-Induced Blood Clotting
  23. What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and why should you care.
  24. Molecular mimicry between the spike protein and humans can shut down platelet production
  25. Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic COVID-19 elicits effective and long-lasting antibody responses in children and adolescents
  26. Immune escape: The reason the vaxxed get COVID-19
  27. Concerning autopsy findings on a patient who had a COVID shot
  28. Can coronaviruses elicit long-lasting immunity?
  29. 60% may already have Immunity to COVID-19
  30. High Levels of COVID-19 Antibodies is Bad News
  31. CD4+ Cross-Reactivity between Seasonal Coronavirus Colds and COVID-19
  32. Antibodies to COVID-19 can Exist in the Uninfected
  33. The Rise and Fall of Antibodies in Mild and Asymptomatic COVID-19
  34. The total number of COVID-19 is much higher
  35. Protective Antibodies Against Coronaviruses are Short-Lived
  36. Are People Who Test Positive Again for COVID-19 Still Infectious?

Studies that show Vaccine (In)effectiveness

  1. Dr. Clare Craig exposes the twisted Pfizer COVID trial for babies and young children
  2. Study: Most antibodies produced by mRNA vaccines are Non-neutralizing
  3. The Durability Study of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is Strange and Unusual
  4. Moderna’s study shows the ineffectiveness of their shots against the Omicron and why they recommend a booster
  5. Omicron can evade antibodies from vaccinated and COVID convalescent people
  6. Study shows the absence of omicron neutralization with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots
  7. The Pfizer and Moderna booster shots are about 50% effective
  8. Alcohol use, heat-not-burn tobacco and cigarette smoking decrease antibody response to Pfizer COVID vaccine
  9. How effective are the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines against COVID-19 household spread?
  10. Protective Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 are the same in Convalescent and Vaccinated
  11. COVID Vaccines are Non-Sterilizing and Can Lead to More Infectious Variants
  12. How effective are the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines against COVID-19 household spread?
  13. Breakthrough Cases Spread COVID-19 as Easily as the Unvaccinated
  14. Study: Vaccination Does Not Affect the Number of COVID-19 Cases
  15. CDC Report shows 25% Mortality in Breakthrough Cases
  16. Durable Immunity from Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lasts only Six Months
  17. Study: Most antibodies produced by mRNA vaccines are non-neutralizing
  18. Know the Absolute Risk Reduction of the COVID-19 Vaccines!
Stay Informed: The Ultimate Guide To COVID-19 Updates
Source: Wikipedia SARS-CoV-2 By CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM Public Domain,

COVID-19 Treatments

  1. How ordinary mouthwashes kill the SARS-CoV-2
  2. A better technique for nasal sprays
  3. Zinc for COVID-19
  4. Melatonin prevents SARS-CoV-2 damage to the brain
  5. Nasal rinse and deep gargle stop viral respiratory infections in their tracts
  6. Bromhexine for COVID-19
  7. Echinacea for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Respiratory Infections and COVID-19
  8. Aspirin for the early treatment of COVID-19
  9. Curcumin for the Early Treatment of COVID-19
  10. Nigella Sativa or Black Seed, Black Cumin for COVID-19
  11. Where to Get Ivermectin
  12. Povidone Iodine Works Great for the Prevention and Early Treatment of COVID-19!
  13. Reading the Povidone-Iodine Meta-analysis
  14. Ivermectin is Effective against Influenza and a Cold Virus In Vitro
  15. Conflicting Studies about Molnupiravir and Mutations
  16. Melatonin’s Multiple Actions Against COVID-19
  17. Bayes Theorem Confirms Meta-analysis of Ivermectin’s Effectivity against COVID-19
  18. Paxlovid blunts adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2
  19. The Paxlovid Rebound Study
  20. Molnupiravir Causes Hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 Mutations
  21. How to get Ivermectin
  22. Ivermectin vs Remdesivir for COVID-19
  23. Solved! The Ivermectin African Enigma
  24. IVMMETA.COM: A website of studies on Ivermectin’s efficacy
  25. News that ivermectin overdose is clogging up hospitals is not true
  26. What makes Ivermectin a kick-ass antiviral?
  27. Update to FLCCC Treatment Protocol for the Delta Variant
  28. Adequate Vitamin D Prevents Severe COVID-19
  29. What should the household do if someone has Early COVID-19?
  30. Update to the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19
  31. The anti-COVID-19 properties of Quercetin
  32. The I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome
  33. The I-MASK+ for the Prophylaxis and Early Treatment Protocol of COVID-19
  34. The MATH+ Protocol Results in Greater Survival in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
  35. Vitamin C and COVID-19
  36. Zinc Deficiency Impairs the Immune System
  37. Michigan Study Shows Lower Mortality Rates with Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin
  38. Hydroxychloroquine Lessens Mortality in Severe COVID-19 but Monitor the QT
  39. What Works Against SARS-CoV-2? Results of 19 Anti-Virals Screened In Vitro
  40. 5 Spike Protein Blocking Drugs Under Research for COVID-19
  41. How the Covid-19 Virus Tricks the Human Cell
  42. Camostat: An existing drug as potential Covid-19 treatment
  43. Ivermectin: Why it is Good to Wait
  44. Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin as Potential Covid-19 Treatment
  45. Should you take Ibuprofen for COVID-19?
  46. How to Beat a Pandemic Just like in the Movies
  47. Traditional Chinese Medicine as Treatment for COVID-19
  48. Anti Coronavirus Herbs and Drugs
  49. Study: Chinese Herbal Medicine to Prevent Coronavirus Infection


  1. The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol
  2. The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol
  3. The I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome
  4. The I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol

Ivermectin-related articles:

  1. Ivermectin’s Role in Preventing the Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2
  2. Ivermectin Against SARS-CoV-2 Variants
  3. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein causes red Blood cell Clumping and Ivermectin Prevents it
  4. The NFL is giving their players IVERMECTIN as a prophylactic AND to prevent “positive” Covid tests
  5. A new study shows a 100% decreased hospitalization rate with regular ivermectin use
  6. Ivermectin prevents binding to human cells by blocking the spike protein
  7. The many problems of the Ivermectin study in the NEJM
  8. Japanese company announces Ivermectin has antiviral properties
  9. City-wide use of Ivermectin lowered COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Itajaí, Brazil
  10. What makes Ivermectin a kick-ass antiviral?
  11. Where to Get Ivermectin
  12. How to get Ivermectin
  13. Bayes Theorem Confirms Meta-analysis of Ivermectin’s Effectivity against COVID-19
  14. News that ivermectin overdose is clogging up hospitals is not true
  15. Ivermectin vs Remdesivir for COVID-19
  16. Solved! The Ivermectin African Enigma
  17. IVMMETA.COM: A website of studies on Ivermectin’s efficacy
  18. Ivermectin is effective against Influenza and Cold Virus In Vitro

How to Protect Against COVID-19 and Jab Complications

  1. The Shocking Truth About Spike Proteins, Sugar And Inflammation
  2. Nasal Povidone Iodine Works Great for the Prevention and Early Treatment of COVID-19!
  3. Povidone Iodine Works Great for the Prevention and Early Treatment of COVID-19!
  4. 6 Ways Exercise Protects against Infections
  5. Echinacea for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Respiratory Infections and COVID-19
  6. Melatonin’s Multiple Actions Against COVID-19
  7. The Best Food Sources of Melatonin
  8. Wake-Up to the Health Benefits Melatonin.
  9. A Study on the Safety of Melatonin Tablets
  10. The Protective Effects of Sleep and Melatonin on the Stomach
  11. Nigella Sativa or Black Seed, Black Cumin for COVID-19
  12. The anti-COVID-19 properties of Quercetin
  13. Adequate Vitamin D Prevents Severe COVID-19
  14. Aerobic exercise, Telomere Length, and COVID-19
  15. Vitamin C and COVID-19
  16. Any Science behind Elderberry for Influenza and COVID-19?
  17. Zinc Deficiency Impairs the Immune System
  18. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine in Infections

COVID-19 Prevention

  1. Ivermectin’s Role in Preventing the Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2
  2. Common Dandelion Prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro
  3. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Cause Red Blood cell Clumping and Ivermectin Prevents it
  4. The NFL is giving their players IVERMECTIN as a prophylactic AND to prevent “positive” Covid tests
  5. Linoleic acid from intermittent fasting may prevent COVID-19
  6. The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol
  7. Ivermectin prevents binding to human cells by blocking the spike protein
  8. Melatonin prevents SARS-CoV-2 damage to the brain
  9. Echinacea for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Respiratory Infections and COVID-19
  10. Here is why excess fat leads to worse COVID-19
  11. 16 Ways to Avoid COVID-19 During the Holidays
  12. Povidone Iodine Works Great for the Prevention and Early Treatment of COVID-19!
  13. Reading the Povidone-Iodine Meta-analysis
  14. How to Lower Viral Airborne Transmission Indoors
  15. The anti-COVID-19 properties of Quercetin
  16. Aerobic exercise, Telomere Length, and COVID-19
  17. What is Your Risk of Dying from COVID-19 for your Age Group?
  18. Who, Where, and What can get you infected with COVID-19?
  19. A Sustainable Way to Decontaminate a Face Mask Using Household Materials
  20. Obesity is a Risk Factor for Covid-19 Hospitalization
  21. Yale University’s Take on Cloth Masks for Everyone
  22. Zero Death and only 267 COVID-19 in Vietnam. Here’s why.
  23. New Zealand has one of the lowest Covid-19 Death Rates at 0.3 %. Here’s what they did.
  24. SARS-CoV-2 Contamination in the Hospital Setting
  25. How Long Can the Covid-19 Virus Survive in Common Surfaces?
  26. Alcohol Abuse, Covid-19, and Lung Complications
  27. Can’t Smell and Taste Suddenly? It Can be Covid-19!
  28. US Data: All ADULTS can have Serious Covid-19
  29. Any Science behind Elderberry for Influenza and Covid-19?
  30. Asymptomatic is not Always what it Seems.
  31. US Drive-Thru Covid-19 Testing Brings Fresh Hope
  32. How to Fight an Invisible Enemy
  33. Using the 80/20 Principle for Covid-19
  34. 10 Things Anyone Can Do to Lower the Covid-19 Death Rate
  35. New Covid-19 data confirms the need for 2-week Quarantine
  36. Protecting At-Risk People from Covid-19
  37. Drive-Thru Testing for Covid-19
  38. Why is Covid-19 testing badly needed?
  39. 6 Little Known Home Disinfectants for the Covid-19
  40. 5 Hand Disinfectants for Coronavirus You May Not Know
  41. Coronavirus Infection Precautions
  42. 6 Ways Exercise Protects Against Infections
  43. 3 Reasons Why Smokers Have Worse Covid-19 Outcomes
  44. COVID-19: Why Should Health Care Workers be Protected? (Updated)
  45. Covid-19 and Pets
  46. Are Asians More Prone to Get the Covid-19?
  47. The Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment Against Infections
  48. Can children get infected with Covid-19?

Rapid Spread of Covid-19

  1. 13 Reasons Why COVID-19 Cases and Deaths May Increase Again
  2. The Dominant Omicron XBB1.5 Evades Antibodies and has Stronger ACE2 Binding
  3. The Omicron variant lasts for hours on plastic and skin surfaces but is easily disinfected
  4. How to Lower Viral Airborne Transmission Indoors
  5. French Study: Highest Viral Loads among Delta Variant Carriers
  6. Can Breathing Spread the Spike Protein?
  7. Can the Spike Protein be Spread by Breathing?
  8. Who, Where, and What can get you infected with COVID-19?
  9. How Far Can a Sneeze Go?
  10. Covid-19 Spread with Air-conditioning
  11. Study Explains the Silent Spread of Covid-19
  12. Will the pandemic get Better with Warm Weather?
  13. The Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Covid-19 are Equally Infectious
  14. Can Talking Spread Viruses?
  15. SARS-CoV-2 Contamination in the Hospital Setting
  16. How Long Can the COVID-19 Virus Survive in Common Surfaces?
  17. How Long Does the COVID-19 Virus Float in the Air and Stay on the Surface?
  18. The 2019-nCoV Is still present in a patient after sickness
  19. 5 Reasons why Covid-19 Spreads Fast
  20. New Study Explains the Rapid Spread of Covid-19
  21. The Secondary Attack Rate of Covid-19
  22. 10 Reasons Why the Wuhan Coronavirus Pneumonia is a Nightmare
  23. U.K. Epidemic Specialist: 250,000 Chinese with Coronavirus in 10 days
  24. Wuhan Coronavirus Virus Compared to Other Viruses
  25. Study: Pregnant Moms Do Not Transmit Covid-19 to their Babies
  26. You Can Become Infected by the Coronavirus Through the Eyes!
  27. Walking Coronavirus Pneumonia Can Spread the Disease
  28. To Know What’s in Wuhan is to Know Why Coronavirus is a Concern
  29. Thermometer Guns are Inaccurate for Covid-19 Screening
  30. Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1

Infants and Children

  1. Children with Post Vaccine Myocarditis have Spike Proteins in their Blood
  2. COVID-19 reinfection is mild in children and adolescents
  3. Mental and Neurologic problems after COVID-19 in children and adults
  4. Long COVID syndrome in children and adolescents
  5. Dr. Clare Craig exposes the twisted Pfizer COVID trial for babies and young children
  6. In silico study may explain the rise of hepatitis among children
  7. Study shows obesity worsens pregnancy outcomes in maternal COVID-19
  8. Mothers with young children were mostly harmed by Melbourne lockdown
  9. COVID-19 during pregnancy follows a routine clinical course for the mother and her baby
  10. USA study: Adults and children with the Omicron variant have milder COVID-19
  11. COVID-19 infections among infants: Symptoms and who gets hospitalized
  12. USA study: Adults and children with the Omicron variant have milder COVID-19
  13. COVID-19 in children 0-17 years old have a low risk of death and hospitalization
  14. Children 5-11 Years Old have Mild COVID-19
  15. Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic COVID-19 elicits effective and long-lasting antibody responses in children and adolescents.

Excess Deaths

  1. Excess Deaths In America: What Happened From 2020 To 2023
  2. Excess Deaths in the US: 2023 and 2024
  3. Excess Deaths in the Philippines in 2021 and 2022
  4. The Most Complete Measure of Excess Deaths
  5. Excess Deaths in a Small Parish
  6. Cardiac Arrhythmias Explain Excess Deaths
  7. The Rise in Deaths Among Canadian Doctors
  8. Lincoln National Insurance paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021
  9. Pfizer COVID shot Lot Numbers with the most deaths
  10. Excess deaths continue in 2022
  11. Excess deaths in Scotland 2021
  12. More COVID jabbed dead from COVID-19 than the unvaxxed in Scotland
  13. Above-average deaths of 5 to 74 years old for the year 2021
  14. US data: High numbers of autopsies done in 2021 among 15-64 years old.
  15. CDC data shows higher deaths from 25-54 years old in 2021 compared to 2018-2020
  16. 145 countries with higher COVID-19 cases and deaths after the COVID shots
  17. Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
  18. Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the CDC reports!
  19. German Analysis: The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality

Covid-19 Disease Outcomes

  1. The COVID-19 virus attacks protective airway cells
  2. The SARS-CoV-2 infects the human testes, lowers testosterone, and can be sexually transmitted from severe COVID-19 survivors
  3. The effects of lockdowns on COVID-19 deaths
  4. CDC data shows an equal risk of COVID-19 hospitalization for convalescent and vax induced immunity
  5. The SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause brain inflammation
  6. SARS-CoV-2 brings out an endogenous retrovirus protein to cause severe COVID-19 and Long COVID syndrome
  7. Persistent inflammation explains Long COVID syndrome
  8. Defective immunity and COVID-19 antibody-dependent enhancement in Alberta, Canada
  9. USA study: Adults and children with the Omicron variant have milder COVID-19
  10. COVID-19 in children under five years old with Omicron is mild compared to the Delta variant
  11. Higher number of COVID-19 cases but no change in death rates. The South African omicron experience
  12. Autopsy findings in 29 breakthrough cases show what’s wrong with the COVID shots. Part 1
  13. 4 reasons why bodywide viral spread happens in breakthrough cases
  14. COVID-19 in children 0-17 years old have low risk of death and hospitalization
  15. Children 5-11 Years Old have Mild COVID-19
  16. COVID-19 Symptoms in the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated
  17. SARS-CoV-2 RNA Can Change Human Genes
  18. Platelet Changes Causes Blood Clots in COVID-19
  19. Diabetic Complications, Pancreatitis, and COVID-19
  20. How Long do Covid-19 Patients Get Hospitalized?
  21. Covid-19 Antibodies
  22. Blood Vessel Damage in Severe COVID-19 Patients
  23. What does Covid-19 have in common with Ebola and HIV?
  24. Human Organs Targeted by Covid-19
  25. Physician Deaths from Covid-19
  26. Why Scheduled Surgery Has to Wait in Covid-19
  27. What Happens to Critically ill COVID-19 Patients?
  28. The Covid-19 can Attack the Brain
  29. Who Gets Cardiac Injury in Covid-19?
  30. Can’t Smell and Taste Suddenly? It Can be Covid-19!
  31. Not enough US hospital beds one COVID-19 epidemic is full-blown
  32. Lessons Learned from 72,314 COVID-19 Patients: A China CDC Study
  33. Covid-19 Can Lead to Heart Failure
  34. Who Dies From the Coronavirus?

Molecular mimicry and autoimmunity

  1. Diseases From SARS-CoV-2 Autoantibodies
  2. COVID-19, Autoimmunity and Vaccination, Part 1
  3. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 2
  4. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 3
  5. Molecular Mimicry between the SARS-CoV-2 and the Breathing Center
  6. Molecular mimicry between the spike protein and humans can shut down platelet production
  7. Autoimmune antibodies and diseases after COVID-19 disease and injections
  8. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein cross-reacts with eleven human proteins to cause autoimmune diseases

Omicron Related

  1. 13 Reasons Why COVID-19 Cases and Deaths May Increase Again
  2. Clinical Outcomes of Omicron subvariants, including XBB, the dominant SARS-CoV-2 in the US
  3. The Dominant Omicron XBB1.5 Evades Antibodies and has Stronger ACE2 Binding
  4. Research on the Omicron spike protein turned into a Gain of Function study
  5. The problems with Omicron-booster shots
  6. Delta and Omicron recombinant SARS-CoV-2 detected in the US
  7. Moderna’s study shows the ineffectiveness of their shots against the Omicron and why they recommend a booster
  8. The Omicron variant lasts for hours on plastic and skin surfaces but is easily disinfected
  9. USA study: Adults and children with the Omicron variant have milder COVID-19
  10. COVID-19 in children under 5 years old with Omicron is mild compared to the Delta variant
  11. Omicron infections elicit neutralizing antibodies against variants of concern
  12. Even Syrian golden hamsters say the omicron produce mild disease
  13. Omicron outbreak in triple jabbed health care workers
  14. Multinational study shows why the Omicron variant has low fatality and high infectivity
  15. Higher number of COVID-19 cases but no change in death rates. The South African omicron experience
  16. Omicron can evade antibodies from vaccinated and COVID convalescent people
  17. Study shows the absence of omicron neutralization with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots
  18. Computer model: Current antibodies still effective on the omicron variant
  19. The global incidence of the omicron variant per country Dec. 04, 2021
  20. The latest number of omicron variants by country
  21. Should I be afraid of the omicron variant?

Social Effects of Covid-19

  1. Risk-benefit analysis shows a higher risk of COVID-19 death than COVID-19 disease for those under 80 years old
  2. Study: Unvaxxed don’t hate the vaxxed, but the vaxxed do
  3. The effects of lockdowns on COVID-19 deaths
  4. Mothers with young children were mostly harmed by the Melbourne lockdown
  5. Is the Covid-19 epidemic Fake News?
  6. Covid-19 Can Cause Drugs and Medical Supply Shortages Worldwide
  7. Not enough US hospital beds once the Covid-19 epidemic is full-blown
  8. Are the quarantine camps in China for hemorrhagic fever?

Chinese Medicine and Covid-19

  1. Traditional Chinese Medicine as Treatment for Covid-19
  2. Anti-Coronavirus Herbs and Drugs
  3. Study: Chinese Herbal Medicine to Prevent Coronavirus Infection


  1. MERS-CoV-2 which kills one in three, is now possible
  2. A Smallpox Epidemic is More Possible than You Think
  3. A Form of Graphene can Destroy SARS-CoV-2
  4. Degradation of Graphene in the Human Body


  1. Contamination or Wireless Nanosensors network in the COVID shots?
  2. US data: High numbers of autopsies done in 2021 among 15-64 years old.
  3. The Whole English translation of the Spanish study showing 99% Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
  4. A Form of Graphene can Destroy SARS-CoV-2
  5. Degradation of Graphene in the Human Body

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